2024-01-09 EE Leads Discussion
- Jerry Tian
- Mena Azab (Deactivated)
goals of W24 (focus on comp critical projects)
EE Meetings and work sessions
Coming up with new projects
Using Asana
Flight test
Most of harness is there
need to change for specific flight test
schematic on altium
add a buck board on pegasus
ask Nathan for help
potentially a 2nd drone
handed over to firmware
electrical testing is done
LED pcb
see W24 ee director sync
Tracking antenna
Nice to have for comp
maybe not enough time to test?
firmware side is stuck
high current power module
not comp critical
Split up who's managing which PCB projects
Tracking Antenna - No longer comp critical
ZP3 interface - Not comp critical
PDB - Not comp critical
High Current Power Module - No longer comp critical
12S Servo Module - Not comp critical
6S ESC - Not comp critical
LED Driver board - Comp critical (for extra points)
Can Sensor Interface - Not comp critical
Project process
Brainstorm project → Block diagram → Component Selection → Schematic → Schematic Review → PCB Design → PCB Review → Sourcing → Assembly → Testing
voice opinion, don’t say yes because pressure
meeting probably 7pm - 8pm Thursday
earlier time would encourage in person attendance
Jerry will make an announcement later
Jerry will lead the 1st meeting
Work Sessions
>2 people leading PCB assembly / wire harness
Great that wiring and assembly sessions already being handled
most work session will happen in bay
Board assembly work sessions
ZP3 - on hold
Potential boards
Servo module
tracking antenna
High current
not enough new members
hold bootcamp work sessions, in discord / in person / after meeting
weekly bootcamp work sessions
Jerry & Neel will help with bootcamp review this term
realistically only CAN module
ask Michael to manage it
prioritize projects that EFS can work on, e.g. CAN module
use it to encourage member to set their own goals
Jerry: asana is too much documentation work, checking confluence is enough to be on track as leads
only useful if we have a PM
stop emphasizing on asana
bring this up in leads meeting
maybe ask ppl to write down timelines on confluence
depends on competition sync
drone harness will be tested every time there is a flight test
only need to test LED visibility this term
any weekend would work