2024-01-22 AEAC Sync



  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Evan Janakievski

  • @Hao Gao

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Sohee Yoon


  • @Jerry Tian

  • @Mena Azab

  • @Neel Patel

Embedded Flight Software:

  • @Derek Tang

  • @Hardy Yu

  • @Sam Zhang

  • @Yarema Dzulynsky

  • @Yuchen Lin

  • @Ayush Ganguly


  • @Aaron Wang

  • @Amy Hu

  • @Mihir Gupta

  • @Tong Zhang

  • @Vibhinn Gautam


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund


  • @Anthony Luo

  • @Megan Spee


Propulsion + Control

Action items / blockers:

  • look at the RFC document after the meeting (all relevant leads)




RFC for new batteries

see ‘updates’ above


4 battery harness configurations

are we good with the + configuration for 4 batteries

  • battery harnessing cleared up over the weekend!


Bidir DShot verification

  • Will be assigned to EFS flight test prep team once flight-test critical tasks are completed.


Controls Tuning

  • Also to be completed once current flight-test critical tasks are completed. Includes a re-examination of:

    • attitude controller (autotune)

    • Altitude controller

    • Position controller

Kind of propulsion/control ralated, using 4x 6200mAh batteries instead of 5000mAh ones.

The 6200mAh ones cost $96.09 and weigh 895g each (https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-heavy-duty-6200mah-6s-60c-lipo-battery-pack-w-xt90.html?___store=en_us ).

The 5000mAh ones cost $75.18 and weigh 838g each (https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-battery-heavy-duty-5000mah-6s-60c-lipo-pack-xt-90.html ).

Using 4x 6200mAh would weigh 228g more (6.58%) while having 2400mAh more capacity (21.43%). It would cost $83.64 (24.42%) more.


Action items / blockers:

  • Sensor calibrate/quality test next weekend @ efs

  • Mech needs to mount 360 lidar mount on Houston

    • Houston needs a downward facing rangefinder mount? (can be sticky tack + ziptie)

    • Needs EFS support

  • make sure sensor offsets are ok, make sure as much as possible is calibrated before leaving the bay for the flight test

  • EFS needs pointers on how to do calibration / testing


  • < Decision Documentation >


Sensor mounts

  • Pegasus mounts for rangefinder and op flow have existed for a while

  • Lidar mount for Houston exists, just needs to be mounted

  • working on the following

    • 360 pegasus lidar

  • No plans to change current monster mount. Subteams to notify mech if rev. necessary

  • No further plans for sensor mounts on Houston


Sensor wiring

  • op flow & rangefinder sensor wiring checked on Pegasus

  • waiting for mech on 360 lidar


Conformal coating on PCB

  • Need clarity on motivation behind conformal coating:

    • is it for waterproofing?

    • Which PCB’s will require conformal coating

    • Will having housings for PCB’s make conformal coating redundant?

  • sensors on monster mount may need conformal coating


Sensor calibr & quality test

  • No calibration for the sensors has currently been done.

  • Need guidance/pointers on how to do calibration and testing

    • What specific metrics need to be calibrated?

    • What metrics are to be tested and against what values?


Rangefinder support on Houston

  • Needs to be supported in SW for Houston

    • will need mech mount, EE conformal coating, and a bit of configuration



monster mount holds the camera. Not in a position to test the camera yet - need geolocation working before putting it on Pegasus.

Will take place after ground testing with geolocation

Video System

Action items / blockers:

  • Waiting for procurement order to arrive on-site.


  • Switching to flywoo gear as primary. This means diversity vrx!!! (unsure if this is better) (needs to be flight tested)

    • Order has been procured, not in yet.

  • have 2 transmitters (flywoo and (old ver ))


VTX Mount

making a new one - not very urgent, someone is working on it


VTX Antennas

mount for antennas for VTX system

  • to be RFC’d into the arch doc. needs testing and placement first


Harnessing (airside)

  • waiting on procurement order


Harnessing (groundside)

  • New rev. waiting on procurement

  • Old Rev. still assembled on antenna tracker prototype.

more information - check arch doc or EE-specific wiring. Will reach out to people to get a better handle on this project.


Ardupilot VTX mgmt

  • Clarify requirements

    • What is this task, and what is the end goal?

    • Are there specific steps/action items that EFS should follow?


  • arch doc

    • camera switching capability on Pegasus

    • smart audio if possible!

  • ardupilot forums are a good resource too


LTE Comms

  • Haven’t made a choice on which image compression format we want to use

    • Have a couple more tickets where we want to profile different image compression formats

    • We have an influx in new members so we can assign those tickets out

  • Going to start creating the repository to transmit images over LTE

    • Will create it so that the image compression format can be added as a module so we are not blocked

Aiming for the 10th to FT



  • Going to start assigning directories to team members to clean

Command + Telem

Action items / blockers:



  • RFC for control links

    • EFS critique this document



  • will be sticky tacked on final drone

    • subject to change depending on antenna placement


RFD900x harnessing

  • RFD900x has been broken for a while now, which is painful to debug.

  • Decided to make a breakout PCB to interface with locking JST connectors.

  • Yuchen is slaying on the breakout PCB, @Daniel Puratich will review

  • Will be RFC’d into sys arch once tested. (right?)

~ a week until completion. 2 weeks to ship, 3 weeks from now receive the board.


ELRS Gemini status

Assigned Akam to this task. He aims to start work on 23 Jan 2023


ELRS / ardupilot channel mapping

  • To be updated when able (likely during reading week downtime)

  • also some model ID management. Model match to manage all drones.

Side notes - during ~ 3 weeks of reading week downtime. not urgent

  • more content in device manuals, etc

  • configuring competition controller settings

  • increasing telemetry rates



  • No progress on looking into what happened with LTE on the flight test

    • Need to delegate to someone onsite

    • LTE telemetry disconnected (RPi froze over.. ?)

      • No failsafe was triggered, Ardupilot did not detect loss of GCS connection



  • Working on getting Geolocation tested

    • We have someone actively working on blocking PR

Airframe - General

Action items / blockers:



  • < Decision Documentation >


Airframe Timeline:

Current due dates for tasks (I’m not gonna read all of these but they are here for visibility):

  • Rev 1 Cabin - to be mounted on pegasus 1.0 by Feb 3rd, best case mounted by Jan 27th

  • Pegasus 2.0 - Assembled by Feb 3rd, possibly Feb 10 (depends on machining time)

  • Rev 2 Cabin - mounted on pegasus (unsure if 1.0 or 2.0) by Feb 17 or 24th

  • Landing gear improvements - to be done Feb 17th

  • Waterproofing - to be done by end of Feb



  • Rpi + 200 CV camera needs to come off (payload)

    • happening this week

  • rangefinder needs to be tacked + ziptied on


Houston power

raspberry pi harness was made from last term, it was supposed to improve the raspberry pi input voltage, not tested its performance yet, will test it Tuesday, Jan 23rd (or sometime later this week)







Tracking Antenna - General

Action items / blockers:

  • @Arjun Mandair - Servos from are to be available in two weeks (Called them). Currently sold out.


  • @Arjun Mandair - The Page has been updated and will no longer change.


CAD and Parts Ordering Status

CAD Review -

  • CAD review is tomorrow, Jan 23, 2024, at 6:00pm. Feel free to come by!

  • Upon CAD Review completion, building process will start


Build Status

  • Components that need to be ordered can be found

  • TLDR ← for more info



  • We are planning to use the following account for purchases: WEEF - Groundstation Equipment Fall 2022



Antenna Tracker





telemetry fwd’ing

decide how information is getting from GS to antenna - xbees, ELRS airport, cables?

  • make sure we have enough of these/ know how to use it




General Updates

Flight test schedule

  • Next ft; Jan 27th:

    • OpFlow calibration

    • magfit check?

    • tracking antenna algorithm check (on either)

    • obstacle avoidance check (on houston)


  • Past that, Feb 3rd:

    • Airspeed / efficiency data for Pegasus

    • Gemini on Houston

    • Extended tracking antenna tests on Pegasus or Houston