2024-02-08 PCB Project Ideas Winter 2024

2024-02-08 PCB Project Ideas Winter 2024


@Mena Azab (Deactivated) @Jerry Tian @Neel Patel @Nolan Haines


Matek BEC 12S-PRO (rotorgeeks.com)
12S buck, with built in current sense that can communicate to pixhawk. TVS protection. Must meet or exceed capabilities of the above BEC

cots doesn’t have current sense

icm 42688 breakout. EFS is looking to move from bmx160's to ICM 42688's . These are used commonly on all sorts of drones and fc's (probaly the most popular drone IMU being sold new right now). They're about 2$ for a chip, can be pick/placed by JLCPCB, but the eval kits are 58$. Would love some simple breakouts like this: GitHub - tetra-aero/ICM-42688-P_breakout: ICM-42688-P breakout board (but maybe we do many of them on one plate so we get more value from jlc's flat pricing or smth). Could get fancy w/it later but for now just breaking out SPI, and maybe having an onboard voltage regulator or smth (better perf).


pin breakout + CAN transceiver

needs assessment: no shorting batteries anymore

Do we need a MCU for this?

VIFLY ShortSaver V2 Smart Smoke Stopper, Power Switch for Receiver Binding Blue


needs assessment:

here's also a slightly more complicated project for a senior member, designing a diversity gemini ELRS rx. 4 antennas, 2 frequencies, 1 board

someone on the elrs discord has made one b4, but not publically available files


archieved because project is not well scoped


boost usb-c 5V to multiple levels to power Jetson or motors

Action items:

  1. determine project purpose for BMS & 5-24 boost

  2. ask Hardy for can-sensor progress

  3. Decide if we need a MCU on smoke stopper

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