2024-02-05 Leads meeting

2024-02-05 Leads meeting

A couple bullet points on the team’s general goals/focus points this week, and if there’s anything that is blocking your team.


  • flight test team support

  • helping organize funding breakdowns

  • pilot training (serious this time)



  • image transmission progress

  • testing for test 2 pathing code - close to being done, will need a flight test soon



  • start gemini work

  • buy gps

  • flight test

  • tracking antenna ground test again (prob push for the flight test)

  • ask mech for a piece of metal (order from EMS stores :D) it is very cheap (aluminum)

  • buy IMUs




We have WEEF stuff from last week thanks everyone


Please fill out with EngSoc items: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/f1sk0R8w

  • Fill out by the end of this week

  • Reminder: EngSoc best for consumable items - EE/mech focus

  • subteams check the ‘big spreadsheet’ to see if any of the wishlist items you’d like were shunted to engsoc - @Anthony Luo

  • if you are autonomy, some wishlist items might be in MEF as well, so check on that (there is a thread - wingchee/auto leads on top of this )

reach out to directors if confused

director role! @Megan Spee to go over this document and make it more clear Organization Roles | Director


Tech director noms - Microsoft Forms

  • nominate anyone, Willing to do on-boarding in the fall term.

Exec director noms - Microsoft Forms

  • @Megan Spee looking to bring someone else up as an exec dir over summer/fall.

    • plan to bring-up in person / online over fall / summer.

    • nominate anyone! yourself! your friends! pikachu! etc.


2023-02-01 SDC Team Leads Meeting

@Megan Spee sending out email about EE crimps soon/tomorrow (shared in RPC)

  • What is the play this year? When are midterms, and how can we schedule around reading week better?

different dates for different programs

subteam leads please check with your team members when your midterm week/ midterm dates are.

currently week before and week after reading week are pretty light.

  • up to subteam leads? if you have bandwidth to lead, do so, but is ok to not run - @Alison Thompson

will follow up with leads in #leads

@Megan Spee prefer not to run aeac/leads

meetings generally optional around this time, and at leads discretion (including during reading week)

Mena step down as lead at end of term (no replacement)


@Daniel Puratich 's message about team improvement and making things better for everyone!

@Anthony Luo - anyone needing to do director syncs before comp swing?

if you think your subteam/you need to talk about scope, integration, etc, let’s set up a call!