2024-02-07 Meeting Minutes

2024-02-07 Meeting Minutes


General Announcement

Resume session on Sunday at 5pm

Work session tomorrow at 6pm tomorrow - and virtual session!

Social Poll


Milestone 2 progress



SD Driver

  • Le Kang Bought a new hardware for testing, will try this weekend.

IMU Driver

  • Needs to catch up with Polly later.


  • Mostafa is almost done. Needs someone to flash his code and verify its functionality. Tricky to test.


  • Needs to catch up with Fola for update.



Attitude Manager

  • Progressing. 2-3 people working on PID, sensor fusion, angle mapping… etc.

Path Manager testing

  • Liang missing. Needs to catch up.

System Manager

  • Ronald is catching up with knowledge base and will start to test.

Path Manager

  • Yarema had his meeting with his teammates. RFD 900 driver is unclear if they have got it to work or not. Will get help to learn how to use it.


  • The dynamics is implemented and has been tested to prove that it’s working, but that was with dummy coefficient. Though still confirmed that it works.

  • Tested out the sensor fusion. Trying to have more tests to fix noise issue.


  • Needs a review meeting with Derek sometimes this week

  • Needs to catch up with Andrew.


  • Working onto adding CLANG and cpp check.

SWO printing

  • Progressing

ZP3 Validation

  • Successful research, is in the state of planning things out. Check out ZP3 bring-up channel.



  • Would be cool if we could implement higher airport baudrates.

EE lighting Board

  • Not much progress


  • Board arriving soon.

CAN Sensor Board

  • Will be done before next Thursday

Tracking Antenna Arduino

  • Servo issues? Yuchen will be helping troubleshooting this issue.

  • Gps mounted on the tracking antenna does not really work, need to hardcode the position of the antenna.

Flight Test Prep

  • Use RFD to test Gemini









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