2024-02-28 Autonomy Meeting


  • Not going to try and get auto-landing done this term

    • Work on this but not try and meet competition deadlines

    • Work on infrastructure and look into COTS solution

  • Shift some of our focus pathing for task 1 (also look into COTS solution)

  • What are the high priority task for Autonomy?

    • Pathing tasks for Task 1

    • Get more people involved with Mission Planner and Ardupilot


Airside System

  • Profiler under way, discuss with @Mihir Gupta about system design


  • No updates from the team


  • Task to get images from camera in image-transmission done

  • Image encode session happening after midterms

    • Will be a learning opportunity for new members to learn how to set up the pi and encode