2024-03-25 Leads Meeting

2024-03-25 Leads Meeting

A couple bullet points on the team’s general goals/focus points this week, and if there’s anything that is blocking your team.


  • FT Support as we ramp into full comp-sims

    • FT Scheduling for term hand-over

  • Term hand-over preparation, pre-comp timeline prep

  • Helping out subteams (ops with digi media, EFS w/ELRS, etc)



  • pathing

  • image labelling social

  • LTE encoding/decoding



  • Get ELRS link stats working

  • Test Yagi Antennas

  • Development for a new IMU happening

  • Potentially getting ZP milestone 2 together

  • Following up on tracking antenna




People in the bay recently haven’t been aware they need to complete training to work in the SDC spaces (our bay). Please remember to guide your new members through the onboarding docs New Member Onboarding

Need to determine how many flight tests we run once exams start

  • Anni able to drive down basically any day of the week and support / pilot for smaller flight tests (e.g. very aggressive houston flight schedule is doable), can come down on weekend for larger Pegasus flights.

  • Thinking one more flight on the 20th for Pegasus, but maybe a few smaller ones on Houston?

    • Anni to try harder on getting a lot of the smaller issues sorted with Houston.

    • Will need the drone wiring to be cleaned up, will need an OFS, Lidar, GPS.

      • Should bring up in AEAC sync

  • Thinking a small flight test on the 11th - start with houston

    • go onto a big one on the 18th.

    • will bring up @ aeac next week.


Comp pilots and subteam leads to come up with what we want to flight test.

  • make requests, and we’ll do it during flight test!

  • so we are confident this will all work for comp.

  • even if it’s basic. we’re gonna test it


people with technical depth on our comp tasks, please figure out what you’d like to see!

pilots get more stick time, adjust the controls to how you’d like to fly

  • Advanced licensing online test this weekend.

  • Yuchen/Nathan to organize their own flight reviews, ideally at the same time.

  • get an eligible drone to fly at the test. maybe borrow it from the guy

  • Auto social

  • Team social

    • Thursday Mar 28, 8:30, Paintballing. - MAY BE RESCHEDULED. CHECK LEADS

Let people know during your subteam meetings!

  • they should react in announcements



things to announce to your subteams @ all leads

  1. team social @subteam leads in leads channel either tonight or early tomorrow morning.

  2. comp roster deadline (may 31st)


consider if you need to flight test ANYTHING ping @director

physical drone things ping the onsite directors (megan nathan)