2024-04-03 Autonomy Meeting Notes


  • Updates from E2E flight test on March 30

  • Flight test on April 6 - Comp Sim 2!

  • Team social on Friday

  • From @Mihir Gupta

    • Thank you guys for all the hard work this term. Looking back we got a lot done this term and its all because of the effort you guys put in!

    • Sorry for the delay in PR reviews, will try to get thru them soon

Project Updates

Airside System

  • PR for geolocation worker submitted by @Dylan Finlay

  • PR for logging submitted @Tong Zhang


  • From @Mihir Gupta: We need to create ticket to get Task 2 ready for comp (minor adjustments but critical)

    • Remove Landing Zone B (LZB) from comp CSV file

    • Create a module that will append takeoff and loiter (lots of examples of takeoff and landing but we don’t have one for loiter)

  • @Balaji Leninrajan 's diversion task is going good - pretty difficult so will take some time

  • @Jane Zeng submitted pr for create module to evaluate if drone should land, @Aaron Wang to review

  • @Eshaan Mehta making progress on make current module specific constants

  • @Joseph Bagheri assigned to spline waypoints for task 1

  • @Aaron Wang assigned to change to takeoff and loiter instead of takeoff and land


  • @Maxwell Lou PR is up for image decode

  • @Jonathan Yuan PR is up for socket wrapper

  • From @Mihir Gupta: Can I get an update on the status on image encode?

    • @Maxwell Lou will follow up with @Isabelle Huang

Model Training

  • Decide on augmentations after today’s meeting, @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya is done research

    • Try out multiple augmentations and create several datasets

  • Image labelling