2024-06-26 Autonomy Meeting


Jun 26, 2024


  • @Aaron Wang

  • @Tong Zhang

  • @Maxwell Lou

  • @Quan Le

  • @Ashish Agrahari

  • @Balaji Leninrajan

  • @Chloe Yip

  • @Dahui Kang

  • @Ivy Ye

  • @Jane Zeng

  • @Herman Gahra


 Discussion topics








@Aaron Wang

  • @Quan Le Integrate common MAVLink to pathing

    • Big task, ongoing

  • @Chloe Yip QR listener

    • Good progress will write docs

    • Multiprocessing!!!

  • @Pranav Bommireddipalli research 2023 task 2 solutions

    • PR sent, break down into chunks

    • Lots of modules that would be useful

  • @Aaron Wang research previous comp pathing reqs

    • Deferred

  • @Iris Mo Implement 2023 task 1

    • Testing

  • @Jane Zeng Run MAVLink from csv/text

    • Docs made

  • @Aaron Wang create config.yaml

    • Will be merged


@Dylan Finlay

  • Set up Pi

  • @Dahui Kang cluster estimation

    • In progress - will be done this weekend

  • @Amy Hu Decision handling in flight interface

    • In progress - try to finish this weekend

  • @Mihir Gupta test geolocation

    • It’s working!!!

  • @Karthigan Uthayan profile full vs half precision

    • Unassigned

  • @Victor Terme constructor setting verification

    • Done!

  • @Ashish Agrahari Graceful handling and notification of errors

    • Made PR, got reviewed, updating PR.

  • @Ashish Agrahari Research extending Ardupilot with ROS

    • Looking into it.


@Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya

  • @Yue Yang @Junzhang Luo research methods of assessing model quality

    • @Yue Yang

      • No updates

    • @Junzhang Luo

      • No updates

  • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya deployment on pi and camera

    • In progress

  • @Dahui Kang research GNN

    • Working on airside task first

  • @Pranav Bommireddipalli assess model

    • No updates


@Maxwell Lou

  • @Maxwell Lou Refactored socket code for TCP

    • PR is up

  • @Herman Gahra Create UDP sockets

    • Pr later tn

  • LTE project will probably be archived soon, as it will not be needed for comp. Just need to clean up tests after PR is merged, and perhaps update documentation.

    • Continue working on it for now


@Balaji Leninrajan

  • @Tochi Okoro listener for airside logs

    • In progress

  • @Tochi Okoro widget to display logs

    • In progress

  • @Ivy Ye a widget to control drone mode

    • Merged

  • @Sargun Singh Bhatti test serial connection

    • In progress

  • @Sargun Singh Bhatti widget to control drone mode

    • PR up, almost done

  • @Andrew Shum widget to add and queue waypoints

    • In progress, setup issues

  • @Balaji Leninrajan flag for TCP socket init

    • Merged

  • Main refactor

    • @Balaji Leninrajan Widgets and command constructors moved to separate files

    • @Balaji Leninrajan Created home screen

    • Other tasks to be assigned

Obstacle Avoidance

@Andrew Shum

  • Created simple decision module - stops within set distance of an object

  • Need to test at flight test this weekend

  • Research path-deflection algorithms

 Action items
