2024-07-02 Comp 2025 Architecture Sync

  • Attendance

    • @Nathan Green

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Evan Janakievski

    • @Jerry Tian

    • @Nathaniel Li

    • @Nolan Haines

    • @Ryan Scomazzon

    • @Smile Khatri

    • @Tong Zhang

    • @Maxwell Lou

    • @Meghan Dang

    • Xierumeng


Groundside (Antenna tracker and IMACS)

  • Sysint


  • Mech

    • EP2 (or EP1 dual)? mount

    • VTX antenna mount



  • Auto

    • Going well

    • Have a display by the end of the term

    • No tasks for pathing, mostly research

  • EE

    • Working on block diagram for improved AAT board

    • Component selection after block diagram

    • Board can be made bigger if needed

    • Put 3 servo headers just in case

    • No STM version

  • EFS

    • Bulk of development work for tracking antenna M2 is done. Need to clean everything up into a production system (i.e. proper network SSID and Password handling)

      • ESP32 for WiFi

      • Works with a simulated MAVLink stream (mission planner sim → mavproxy → tracking antenna)

    • Need to start development of production WiFi network with router, so far using @Roni Kant hotspot

      • Setup static IPs for our ground station elements and the RPi

      • Setup ELRS MAVLink RC, and test streaming of MAVLink with that



  • Sysint

    • Ordered parts to finish pegasus 2, pixhawk arrived

    • VTX and motors have not arrived yet

    • Gemini TX module arrived, 250mW iFlight receiver

  • Mech

    • New pixhawk mount for peggy 2

    • Maybe motor protectors are worth it for peggy 2 to prevent dents

    • Waterproofing design done, need to review by next week

      • Planning on thermoforming it

  • Auto

    • Geolocation tested on ground, will be tested in air this weekend

    • Reviving auto-landing script project and integrating with current system

    • Set up the pi 5, power is available on houston

  • EE

    • EE peggy airside meeting this thursday for peggy 2 bringup ASAP

      • This meeting is the discussion of what will be done

  • EFS

    • Figuring out CAN

      • Preliminary research mostly done, moving on to first prototypes

        • Current goal of reading node status message broadcast by Pixhawk on STM32

      • Data fills buffer on STM32, but none of it is recognized as valid CAN frames

        • Figure out why the data from Pixhawk is not being parse as CAN frames