2024-07-10 Mechanical Lead Director Sync

  • Attendance

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Alison Thompson

    • @Nathan Green

    • @Smile Khatri

  • Progress over last month & Goals in next month & roadblocks to goals

  • boosting assembly engagement

    • want more members involved with assembling?

      • landing legs

      • pixhawk mount

        • need to waterjet CF to make this

      • Motor Bolts

    • electrical is doing wire lengths so it kinda makes sense in a lot of cases to let em do it

    • a few people will actually do assembly bc it must be done correctly, tradeoff

    • now is a low risk time,

    • a weekly assembly/manufacturing session is overkill bc we don’t have stuff to manufacture

      • dont force work sessions rn

    • social for mech bc in person work is so minimal this term?

  • rpc

    • we all lost access a while ago on our fob bc stuff was stolen

    • email Teertstra if we are interested in getting access (use the csa on our printer thing as leverage)

      • Can we earn back privledge to that?

    • Prusa Printer

      • beeps loudly for thermal anomoly and is for indication print stopping

      • people interested in fixin on co-op

  • director feedback

    • more communication is good

    • policy docs cleanups

      • don’t over document / nitpick a ton

      • most people don't read a lot of these docs

      • the nitpicks aren’t a productive use of time

      • just saying no to random docu changes is valid !!

      • feels weird for advisors to be influencing the org structure heavily

        • a lot of docu is overhead for directors and some leads

        • if we dont care then we shouldn’t bother

        • something to think about here!