2024-07-16 Competition Architecture Sync

  • Attendance

    • @Derek Tang

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Evan Janakievski

    • @Hardy Yu

    • @Jerry Tian

    • @Maxwell Lou

    • @Nathaniel Li

    • @Ryan Scomazzon

    • @Smile Khatri

    • @Tong Zhang

    • @Yuchen Lin

  • Pegasus 2 Assembly State

    • What was assembled in last week?

      • Harnesses

      • Motor soldering

      • Battery harness

    • What are plans for this week?

      • session tomorrow

      • video system

      • pixhawk mount this weekend

    • long term stuff

      • plan to label motors with label maker?

      • motor mount tab change?

        • don't wanna do a new layup

  • Tracking Antenna


    • haven’t finalized hardware and monitors we want

    • needs to get locked in for mech to go for it.

    • @Nathan Green insight for next meeting to unblock this would be appreciated

    • software sync

      • we should have a sync to decide what we want interface to look

      • Try to get @Nathan Green and an autonomy lead present for this

  • CONOPs Preview

    • see link

    • getting people’s thoughts, reviewed the slides

    • not a lot of direct EFS involvement

    • gimbal?

    • CAN for servo module?

    • fixed wing or glider for task 1, small quad as backup in case we can’t finish before comp

    • water pump or water bucket?

    • Pegasus class for task 2

    • Why prefer fixed wing for task 1?

      • Better Range ← unsure how big of a deal this will be, preview didn't give info

      • Higher Speed

      • puts more strain on the detection system

      • harder to control so low confidence on using it

      • small quad is easier to control than a fixed wing

      • same airframe for

    • unsure how much agility we’ll get on fixed wing

    • small quad more control for hovering over specific spots

      • is doing a quick pass enough to just scan it?

    • more thoughts on fixed wing here

    • fixed wing more fun, reliability concerns with doing it

    • task 1 need a new IR camera

    • cannot use ML model for task 1, new detection algorithm

    • autonomy for task 2 is scary, hard to do autonomous actuation

    • imacs for map for task 1, need to have airside communicate data

    • for geolocation, more stability is better

      • acurate readings on telemetry and camera position are important

    • will need to see requirements for how to split airside and groundside, still biasing toward airside

    • geolocation no arch changes required

    • task 1, unusre if we need to hover, if so we need quad

    • if we need to land on same takeoff point for task 1 then quad better

  • Upcoming Flight Testing Plans

    • What do we want to test?

      • this weekend

        • Houston 2 bare drone, no extra weigh

        • @Yuchen Lin to create the thread, and test cards for this!

      • next week complete requests from:

        • autonomy wants to test obstacle avoidance and geolocation

        • gemini testing

    • When we have WRESTRC?

      • we have it for next two weeks, we have it on Saturdays

    • Schedule

      • try to prove everything by Friday night so the morning of goes smoothly