2024-07-23 Competition Architecture Sync

  • Attendance

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Jerry Tian

    • @Nathaniel Li

    • @Yuchen Lin

    • @Nathan Green

    • @Maxwell Lou

    • @Ryan Scomazzon

    • @Smile Khatri

    • @Tong Zhang

    • @Derek Tang

  • Pegasus 2 Assembly State

  • Tracking Antenna

    • Integration

      • Hardware requirements

      • Parts order list: cable for vectornav, M10 GPS

    • Mechanical

      • Rebuild tracking antenna after comp travel damage

      • Make larger base plate

      • Add mounting hardware for vectornav

    • Electrical

      • Add vectornav harwin port to tracking antenna PCB

      • Finish by end of term order (likely fall)

    • EFS

      • Same place as before

      • More progress next term


    • Mechanical

      • Will pick up in fall term

    • Auto

      • Some widgets are completed

      • Map integration and setup features will take more time

      • STATUSTEXT messages to receive logging data

    • EFS

      • Connecting buttons and switches to windows computer through arduino

  • CONOPs Preview

    • Discussed last week

  • Upcoming Flight Testing Plans

    • Houston flight test July 27th

    • Try autotune friday night potentially