2024-07-24 Fixed Wing Arch Sync

  • Attendance

    • @Nathan Green

    • @Evan Janakievski

    • @Ben Lovegrove

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Jerry Tian

    • @Meghan Dang

    • @Nathaniel Li

    • @Sam Zhang

    • @Smile Khatri

    • @Thushanth Parameswaran

    • @Ryan Scomazzon


  • Sysint

    • Will order 2x M9N DroneCAN GPS


  • Mech

    • Pixhawk should be with a few cm of the center of gravity

    • Servos in the wings

    • Camera view through prop test to see if ok, it is likely good

    • Make foam planes for training


  • EE

    • No updates


  • EFS

    • ELRS working on foam fixed wing