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Pathing | @Aaron Wang | Integrate common MAVLink to pathing is now a milestone Has been broken down into multiple sub-tasks Added some documentation, need to add more visuals @Tochi Okoro Rewriting modules
@Quan Le has been assigned to creating upload command function in FlightController @Chloe Yip QR listener @Iris Mo Implement 2023 task 1 @Jane Zeng Run MAVLink from csv/text @Matthew Riley assigned to task to create algorithm for inflating a bounded region
Airside | @Dylan Finlay | Testing Geolocation this weekend if Houston works Need to keep thinking about new conops @Dahui Kang cluster estimation @Amy Hu Decision handling in flight interface @Mihir Gupta geolocation @Herman Gahra Decision worker @Ashish Agrahari Graceful handling and notification of errors @Ashish Agrahari Research extending Ardupilot with ROS @Dylan Finlay Modify detect target to be configurable Code updated with worker manager changes and other new fixes Both configurations working Just need to update unit tests for detect target
@Dylan Finlay Write main_detect_target script @Victor Terme research and implement classical CV method
ML | @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya | |
LTE | @Maxwell Lou | |
IMACS | @Balaji Leninrajan | @Sargun Singh Bhatti test serial connection @Sargun Singh BhattiCreate widget terminal to execute scripts @Andrew Shum widget to add and queue waypoints @Ivy Ye Create Navbar
Obstacle Avoidance | @Andrew Shum | |
Python version update | @Maxwell Lou | Look into upgrading the Autonomy system from Python 3.8 → Python 3.11 (since that is the new standard on the Rpi5) We will also need to update dronekit to pymavlink, hopefully this can be covered in the common flightinterface Decision matrix for solutions is up Tested using dronekit’s github repo, it sort of works Had to do some minor modifications to fix imports Did not connect with mission planner, but otherwise seemed to work fine