2024-08-07 Autonomy Meeting


Aug 7, 2024




  • Online meetings going forward, as exams are approaching

 Discussion topics








@Aaron Wang

  • Integrate common MAVLink to pathing is now a milestone

    • Has been broken down into multiple sub-tasks

    • Added some documentation, need to add more visuals

    • @Tochi Okoro Rewriting modules

      • PR up, not yet reviewed

      • Should free up the upcoming tasks to of rewriting main pathing scripts

  • @Quan Le has been assigned to creating upload command function in FlightController

    • PR Merged

  • @Chloe Yip QR listener

    • Testing ongoing (Need to test with mission planner)

  • @Iris Mo Implement 2023 task 1

    • Dynamic pathing work, old path diversion algo does not (probably an issue with latlon, we’ll figure out)

  • @Jane Zeng Run MAVLink from csv/text

    • PR Merged

  • @Matthew Riley assigned to task to create algorithm for inflating a bounded region

    • Algorithm done for cartesian, need to convert to latlon


@Dylan Finlay

  • Testing Geolocation this weekend if Houston works

  • Need to keep thinking about new conops

  • @Dahui Kang cluster estimation

    • Figuring out numbers for config file before submitting PR

  • @Amy Hu Decision handling in flight interface

    • In the PR process rn. PR has been reviewed.

  • @Mihir Gupta geolocation

    • Flight test coming up this weekend

  • @Herman Gahra Decision worker

    • Going back and forth with PR’s rn

    • Looking to take on another task

  • @Ashish Agrahari Graceful handling and notification of errors

    • PR is ready for review. Waiting on leads :/

  • @Ashish Agrahari Research extending Ardupilot with ROS

    • Looking into it

    • Had to install new fresh ubuntu

  • @Dylan Finlay Modify detect target to be configurable

    • Code updated with worker manager changes and other new fixes

    • Both configurations working

    • Just need to update unit tests for detect target

  • @Dylan Finlay Write main_detect_target script

    • Script is ready with the classical cv configuration changes

    • Just need to fix/pass unit tests as mentioned above

  • @Victor Terme research and implement classical CV method

    • Began looking at the existing code and seeing how to improve


@Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya

  • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya deployment on pi and camera

    • no updates

  • @Ajai Chandi Train models with diff augs

    • Models trained in roboflow


@Maxwell Lou

  • @Maxwell Lou Refactored socket code for TCP

    • waiting for review


@Balaji Leninrajan

  • @Sargun Singh Bhatti test serial connection

    • Deferred

  • @Sargun Singh BhattiCreate widget terminal to execute scripts

    • In progress

  • @Andrew Shum widget to add and queue waypoints

    • In progress, PR up but has weird bugs w/ tests

  • @Ivy Ye Create Navbar

    • In progress

Obstacle Avoidance

@Andrew Shum

  • Implementing obstacle avoidance starting at first waypoint of auto mission.

Python version update

@Maxwell Lou

  • Look into upgrading the Autonomy system from Python 3.8 → Python 3.11 (since that is the new standard on the Rpi5)

  • We will also need to update dronekit to pymavlink, hopefully this can be covered in the common flightinterface

    • (will need to coordinate with the pathing/airside integration of MAVLink tasks later on)

    • Possibly call this flightinterface2 and request updates later when it’s finished.

  • Decision matrix for solutions is up

  • Tested using dronekit’s github repo, it sort of works

    • Had to do some minor modifications to fix imports

    • Did not connect with mission planner, but otherwise seemed to work fine

 Action items

Co-op hiring: Resume reviews to select interviewees & interviews
