2024-08-26 Leadership Mechanical Meeting


Aug 26, 2024


@Alison Thompson

@Smile Khatri

@Sohee Yoon

@Evan Janakievski

S24 Recap

  • R&D and design of weatherproofing cover. Willing to add 400g? (prob could be a teamwide discussion tbh)

  • Electronic mounts

    • VTX antenna

    • Dual EP1 case

    • $200 CV camera

    • Motor mount with shields

    • CF waterjet for a second Pixhawk

  • Fixed wing milestones:

    • Airfoil research

    • Fixed wing calculator

    • Frame design

    • Research into controls

    • Empennage (WIP)

  • Ansys sponsorship

  • PDM issues resolved!

What Went Well?





@Alison Thompson

  • Smile did awesome running meetings and keeping things on-track while I was MIA

  • Lots of learning on fixed wing and thought going into every decision

  • Clear communication

@Smile Khatri

  • High quality research and good documentation, lots of learning

  • There were tasks for everybody which kept things busy

  • Task allocation was fair. Simple mounts were given out to new members, more complicated tasks were given to members who have been in the team for 2 or more terms, or had done a good job this term.

@Sohee Yoon

  • Great collaboration and research done with the fixed-wing

  • A lot of new members got some intro level tasks and were involved in the team

  • We had a lot of PDM issues this term, but the leads were quick to resolve this and help members who were having issues one-on-one

@Evan Janakievski

  • Lots of research put into fixed-wing designs

  • Comp drone kind of stagnant, but good progress on what we could do

  • Tasks were taken up and completed on time

What Can We Improve?



In meetings notes



In meetings notes

@Alison Thompson

  • Deadlines + timelines

  • Peggy 2 was frozen (not really a mech thing)

  • Alison not MIA

  • could put in decision docs instead of Asana

  • table in confluence doc tracking deadline changes - keeps people accountable

  • master conf table of all tasks and their deadlines

@Smile Khatri

  • Work sessions. Did not run work sessions in the summer due to limited manufacturing tasks. But even if there’s no manufacturing, it might be a good idea to host these sessions, just so people can drop in, ask questions, and work on their tasks. It will be tricky to schedule this in w flight tests…

  • Checking-in on people. Inquire about any blockers, and support they need. Maybe more 1-on-1s?

  • Mentorship: Try to make new tasks a learning experience for members. New manufacturing methods, simulations, design features? (I.e. Ben was assigned landing gear design, which was a good opportunity to learn about FEA. Gave him a 1 on 1 regarding sheet metal design, and SW FEA.) I think mentorship could be improved through work sessions as well.

  • Team building activities?

    • I think planning and organizing socials at a sub-team level might is too much work and not a good use of time. Team wide socials exist already.

    • Resume review sessions, and workshops would be more valuable. Any PMs interested in hosting workshops this fall?

  • Feedback for myself?

  • CAD guidelines pres as a workshop (early in the fall!) @Alison Thompson

  • Work design reviews into works sessions/”office hours”

  • when do we want to do worksessions? Sat afternoons → confirm with machine shop hours

    • One of Smile or Alison at both FT and worksessions

    • PMs try to be at as many worksessions as possible

@Sohee Yoon

  • Making sure people understand the ideas completely during mech meetings (I think sometimes it’s difficult to picture the ideas people have, especially with the design aspects) -> encourage drawings or images if someone has a solid idea (?)

  • encourage people to come to mech meetings with sketches when they have ideas

@Evan Janakievski

  • Checking in on tasks more and ensuring no blockers or stagnant projects

    • If a task is stagnant have that member pick up a new one

  • Kinda whole team, but for flight tests make sure whatever is new and needing to be tested is ready. So mech side check if something needs to be installed, although this should be on flight testers on telling mech team.

  • push to include changes that need to happen in AEAC and fixed wing syncs in advance, flight testers should contact mech when scheduling tests to say what they need, bring up in mech:directors sync

Admin/Process Ideas







@Alison Thompson

  • PDM COTS directory

  • Mandating the use of fasteners in CAD

  • More structured task deadlines/check in dates

    • confluence tracking

  • COTS

    • Fasteners

    • Electronics

    • Motors

    • Props?

  • PDM

    • undo checkout if broken assembly, checkin if not broken

    • don’t worry about working in MAIN

    • make sure to check in or undo checkout when you are done! main needs to be accessible to others!

@Smile Khatri

  • Simulation report template. Think I was suppose to get this done a term ago but now we have Ansys, and more stuff to do for simulations it would be worth creating a template.


@Sohee Yoon



@Evan Janakievski



Action Items/Next Steps for Current Projects







@Smile Khatri


  • Assign manufacturing and testing the current design using a thermoformer

  • Will communicate with Divit regarding what’s left to be done, and his recommendations

@Evan Janakievski


  • Order materials for vacuum bagging

  • Test quality of vacuum bagged vs wet layup

@Sohee Yoon

Tracking Antenna Revival

  • More updates or possibly a small meeting to discuss more changes

    • I know Nathan had some suggestions

@Sohee Yoon

Fixed Wing

  • Soon we have to start laser cutting and testing the ribs + cover (test tolerance and material wrapping)

    • Order monokote or Ultracote material

@Alison Thompson

mech:directors sync

  • Peggy 2 wiring push

  • Flight test change notifications + requirements ahead of time

@Alison Thompson

PDM COTS upgrades

  • Add folders + components

@Alison Thompson

CAD guidlines

  • Updates (COTS folder, fasteners)

  • Presentation

@Smile Khatri

add first mech meeting to gcal (in da bay)


@Smile Khatri

Sims template


Projects for F24





Comp 2025

  • Frame

  • Payload

  • Electronics Cases

  • Weather proofing

Ground Station

  • Tracking Antenna

  • IMACS Groundstation

Fixed Wing

  • Frame + Integration

  • Wings

  • Propulsion

  • Fuselage

  • Tail

  • Landing Gear

New PM Nominations

Who do people want to see given a chance to PM next term? (Smile and Alison to discuss further after this meeting)

Member (don’t @ for now)

Project(s) most involved in

Member (don’t @ for now)

Project(s) most involved in


  • Airfoil research and documentation


  • Tracking antenna revival

    • also worked with Arjun on the tracking antenna

    • passionate to gain hands-on experience

    • on-site co-op for fall

  • Motor mount with shields





Roles for F24 Term

Who wants to continue being a PM for F24? What projects are people interested in managing?

@Evan Janakievski max 2, @Sohee Yoon max 2-3





@Alison Thompson

Comp 2025 Frame

@Alison Thompson

Comp 2025 Payload

@Smile Khatri

Comp 2025 Electronics Cases

@Sohee Yoon @Evan Janakievski

Tracking antenna

@Nathan Green @Evan Janakievski

IMACS Groundstation

@Evan Janakievski @Sohee Yoon

Fixed wing frame + integration

@Sohee Yoon Nathaniel?

Fixed wing wings

@Smile Khatri

Fixed wing propulsion

@Smile Khatri

Fixed wing fuselage


Fixed wing tail

@Smile Khatri

Landing Gear

@Evan Janakievski

Composites Development

Next Meeting