2024-09-10 Leads Meeting


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Neel Patel

  • @Smile Khatri

  • @Maxwell Lou

  • @Emma Chan

  • @Aaron Wang

  • @Hardy Yu

Weekly Updates

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund To run all Leads meetings this term

  • Suggesting that we make Leads a bi-weekly meeting

    • Some weeks have less updates → want to use everyone’s time effectively

  • Subteam meetings cannot occur at the same time

  • Please check the Google Calendar before scheduling your subteam meetings

  • Some exceptions can be made for work sessions if the work space can be shared

  • Amazing turnout!

  • Any take aways from the questions?

  • Leads should be more upbeat

  • 2025 Competition Plan:

    • Two options:

      • AEAC 2025 is in Medicine Hat, Alberta (~33 hour drive)

      • SUAS 2025 is in California, Maryland (~10 hour drive)

    • We would have to fly to Medicine Hat

    • Will probable postpone discussion until the end of the month when we have both conops

    • Will be limited to 5-6 comp attendees either way

    • Who will be available to attend each?

  • 2026 Competition Plan:

    • SUAS 2026 in California, Maryland (tentative)