2024-10-29 Operations Meeting
- Georgia Westerlund
- Emma Chan
Oct 29, 2024
@Georgia Westerlund
@Daniel Puratich
@Nathan Green
@Ryan Chan
@Anthony Luo
@Victoria Gee
@Alison Thompson
@Anoushka Goyal
@Sam Zhang
@Meghan Dang
@Andrew Chai
First meeting back from reading week + midterm week!
Subdivision Updates
@Ryan Chan Banner/Flag - planned
need to find a (cheap) supplier - quote that we found was $300
finalize design
@Ryan Chan New sponsor Poster board - planned
Need to reorder the new sponsor layout - need new logos
find a supplier or printer
@Georgia Westerlund Laminating the posters
@Anoushka Goyal @Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Double-entry research - In progress
Quickbooks could work (up to 25 people)
@Anoushka Goyal to draft email
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Follow up with EngSoc about @Alison Thompson reimbursement
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski F24 Sponsorship Proposal Presentations
WEEF: Due Nov 1 - in Progress
Following is an update on WEEF (Oct 29):
Categories determined - Categories have been determined.
Need to establish options - Options established, allocations currently in PowerPoint
What is the progress on this? - Will be ready for review Wednesday, Oct 30.
Will need leads to fill out respective qualitative slides detailing the following: Description, Items, Implementation schedule & Estimated lifespan.
EngSoc: Date determined and completed.
MEF: TBD - @Georgia Westerlund Follow up - Still need this, will probably be later in term.
@Georgia Westerlund Dean’s Funding Proposal: Due Nov 1- done
@Victoria Gee Carbon Fibre sponsorship - in prorgess
Hexcel said no
Try: Carbon Fiber & Prepreg Materials | Toray Composite Materials America
@Emma Chan Making an IG post for next week - not status
Team photo → post if it looks good
@Georgia Westerlund to take photos during this week’s flight
@Emma Chan Media plan - in progress
Aim to post stories/posts at least weekly
@Emma Chan Longer form content up next! - in progress
Script complete, will post for review
Finish story board with shots after
Shooting takes place during F24, where more people are available.
@Georgia Westerlund Email to UW finance club + Women in Finance - done
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Recruitment blast sent out - Done