2024-10-30 EFS Meeting

2024-10-30 EFS Meeting







  • If you work in the bay, please clean up after yourself

    • see images above

    • this is how equipment / products get lost or damaged

  • Big flight test this weekend!!

    • Daniel offers pancakes before leaving for the flight test

    • The tracking antenna will be tested in this flight test @Roni Kant @Omer Sajid

    • If you are interested, you only need to express your interest in the flight test thread

    • more detail in the flight test thread: https://discord.com/channels/776618956638388305/1296522287985721408

  • EFS Pineapple Fried Rice social

    • image-20241029-173743.png
    • We will have a fun pineapple fried rice dinner after Sunday’s work session

    • Will cook pineapple fried rice at anthony’s place

    • You should come to the work session and we all have some fried rice together

  • @Hardy Yu is thinking of stepping down from EFS leads next term

    • We are looking for new lead

    • Please fill out the form if you are interested: EFS Lead Nomination


  • IMU driver - @Kelvin Feng

    • Fixed compilation issues, new PR is up


  • Sensor Fusion - (Liam Suter)

    • working through pre-existing code on Github

    • goal to have initial draft by next week


  • GPS - @Ria Prakash

    • no update, no show


  • Fail-Safe Fix - @Uzayr Hussaini @Andrew Wang

    • Finally got the drone to arm properly with the flight controller (was an issue with the controller mode)

    • Implemented Failsafe code in system manager using IsDataNew

    • Tested out the code and it works properly (detects when it lost connection and regains connection)

    • Final step that we need to do: use logic analyzer or servo motor to test the PWM signals and see if they turn off after the drone is disarmed (after this I can create a PR).


Attitude Manager @Anthony Luo

  • Same as last week. Waiting on sensor fusion and IMU


System Manager @Hardy Yu

  • challenges with porting code to EE ZP board

  • thinking about bringing on more people


Telemetry Manager @Yarema Dzulynsky

@Larry Pan

  • Completed dependency injection modification, working to address comments

@Yarema Dzulynsky

  • Analyzing MavLink messages between drone and GCS (apmplanner2) when running Ardupilot using Wireshark, PyMavlink and Ardupilot SITL (streaming messages via either PyMavlink python script or Ardupilot SITL via UPD/TCP to then connect to via apmplanner2) to understand the sequence in which apmplanner2 expects/sends messages


Path Manager @Ayoung Eun

  • Research going as before, we’ve added couple ideas for optimizing landing path for fixed wing to later implement in our Path Manager repo. You can see details in the document if interested. https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BwBZp



  • Compiling @Roni Kant

    • Merged into the new ZP arch.


  • Core Dump @Kabir Verma

    • busy with interviews

    • update after meeting


ZP Validation Image @Ethan Leung

  • Continued development of validation code on both Arduino and ZP3, mainly fixing communications timing

  • Components remaining:

    • ADC

    • PWM (Non-DMA)

    • SPI (Arduino side)

  • Ran some preliminary testing on ZP3 and Arduino MEGA, things are working so far

Drivers @Ethan Leung

  • Message Queue

    • Task just got assigned to @Dami Peng

    • He will be meeting with SM team this week to figure out details of the task


  • Motor Channel (PWM) @Bill Lu

    • Working with @Aayush Deshpande on SM to figure out the requirements for the Driver interface


  • RC Receiver @Chandise Anderson

    • Met with SM team to discuss requirements for the RC Driver interface

    • Working on the design of the driver interface


  • Watchdog @Ronald You

    • busy with co-op

Summary: Most drivers are at the beginning stages of development and members are designing the Driver Interfaces and communicating with other teams to figure out interface requirements.


Attitude Manager @Sam Zhang

  • interthread message struct designed

  • talking about motor channel interface with @Bill Lu


System Manager @Manasva Katyal

  • Discussed RC driver interface for SM

  • Defined preliminary queue message structure for communication to AM

  • Discussion regarding queue driver tomorrow

ESC (Jeffery Zhen)

  • working with LED board team to resolve timer issues


Servo @Tharun Ganeshram @Fion Lin

  • servo can node working with 100k can bps

  • having issues with higher CAN message rate → working on trouble shooting

  • having an issue with porting the code to the l4 board, can’t output can from can tx


Sensor Cluster @Roni Kant

  • @Tochi Okoro haven’t touched this since pre-reading week, will work on it during work session on Sunday

  • Meeting with @Ria Prakash soon to discuss approach on porting the Acconeer distance detector code to our application

  • @Henry Wu and @Yutong Zhu , no updates form last time, they have most of the driver code ready and are ready to start testing with the breakout boards

  • @Aidan Fisher no updates from last time


LED Board @Folarin Fatola (Unlicensed)

  • can flash on all the LEDs now (no more first LED broken)

  • CAN interface code is theoretically done, needs testing still

Tracking Antenna @Omer Sajid @Jeremy Zheng

  • Finished integrating, everything works along with the servos

  • Next is testing on the actual Tracking Antenna Servos. Just need to test and map those servos to the code. Pretty simple, going into the bay tomorrow to finish this.

  • Then need to solder the GPS wire so that we can connect it to the Tracking Antenna Board. Once done, need to test code outside with GPS. Also to be worked on tomorrow.

  • Last is actually connecting to the drone and testing the tracking antenna. This would require taking the drone outside and just manually moving, and seeing if the tracking Antenna responds correctly.


6s Power Module

  • PDB that takes 6s lipo battery input and power flight controller and ESCs

  • We need about 3 ppl managing this task and delivering firmware for

    • efficient power management

    • CAN interface

  • 6S Power Module


CAN Servo Adaptor

  • already have two ppl on this task but we feel like we need more help on this project

  • recently we needed a lot of CAN circuit validation for many of the CAN board designs by EE team

  • thinking of bringing another person to this project

  • 6S Servo Module Rev 1


ZeroPilot Milestone 2 bringup

  • Hardy comes to realize that it is not that easy to fly the zeropilot, there are still a lot of tasks that can be more efficiently done if we distribute them

  • Major issue right now is that many of our drivers don’t work well on the zp3 PCB

  • We will port the following drivers to the new boardfile, test and verify them

    • radio control receiver driver

    • rfd900 driver

  • They should be tasks that can be done within 2 weeks


Setup Ardupilot to use RTs/CTS for RPi Int Rev B Killswitch

  • more urgent and short task

  • looking to get this done by the end of this week or so

  • open to anyone even you already have a task



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