2025-01-07 Autonomy:Directors Sync
@Georgia Westerlund
@Daniel Puratich
@Nathan Green
@Maxwell Lou
Progress Last Term
Flight tested geolocation to ensure it was working
Integrated cluster estimation → flight test was delayed
IR detection module created (code to detect white spots), new camera detection modules
Integration still to be done
Status text messages and sending data over mavlink
Figured out how to do this
Setup a new repo to receive these messages
PR in the works for sending messages
Still in the works, review in progress
Goals for W25
Integrate new cameras driver
IR detection needs to be integrated
PR for camera driver, not for detection yet
Finishing the data messaging → some helper tools done
Protocol sort of rushed, may need review
Needs to be tested this term
Complete cluster estimation test
Task to take out parameters and fine tune them to improve detection
Must ensure that we tune to not loose data
IR detection
Needs to be tested as well - can be tuned on the ground
Develop HIL for testing? → ground testing platform
Pix ordered for ground testing
Setting up a ground testing platform
Goal: develop two ground testing platforms in the next month
@Tong Zhang Run a social this term!
Flight Test Timeline
Make a list of desired flight tests by next comp sync
Cluster estimation
Determine dates and what you want to test
@Maxwell Lou action item
Need more testing time
None atm
Stepping Down Plans
Maxwell to step down after spring term
Tong after this term?
Made interest form for leadership
Talk with PMs to get interest?
Need to pick someone asap so bringup is smooth