2025-01-21 Eclipse Arch Sync
@Manasva Katyal
@Ryan Scomazzon
@Camilo Artigas Alos
@Jerry Tian
@Alison Thompson
@Evan Janakievski
@Georgia Westerlund
@Nathaniel Li
@Smile Khatri
@Sohee Yoon
@Kenny Na
@Andy Meng
@Yuchen Lin
@Ahmed Osman
@Andy Meng
@Meghan Dang
Notes on manufacturing status.
Fuselage status?
STATUS: Panels cut & mounted?
not cut yet, but outlines traced and ready to be cut next work session or time @.sohee is on campus
Will be done this weekend
Airframe is finalized, apart from maybe some slots that need to be milled into spars and tail boom if EE would like them
EE would like this, was confirmed in this meeting
Mech and EE to sync and figure out finer details @Ryan Scomazzon @Evan Janakievski @Kenny Na
STATUS: Lasercut ribs
Task for laser cutting will be given out shortly after meeting
STATUS: 3D prints
All parts ready to print, will get those going
STATUS: Manufacturing tasks given out?
Split into two sections: frame and wrapping
Frame: will be done by this weekend
Wrapping: will be done in 1 or 2 more work sessions (so by Feb 8)
Timeline: initial prototype within 2 weeks (~ Feb 8), bit more for maiden flight
UPDATE: still on target?
Timing is looking good
landing gear
STATUS: Bent and wheels mounted?
Waiting on one sheet metal part. Should be ready first weekend of february
placed ordered for the servo adapter for rear landing gear today
Timeline: within next couple of weeks (~ Feb 1)
UPDATE: depends on order shipping, tentative ddl Feb 1
STATUS: linkages for the elevators and rudder
task assigned to Rohaan who’s on-site
STATUS: need to 3D print the elevator and rudder
wasn’t 3D printed this weekend, planning for this weekend or earlier
Timeline: within next couple of weeks (~ Feb 1)
UPDATE: still on target?
Everything Mech is in last drawer in the red toolbox.
Avionics/EE updates
Electrical Component status?
WARG PCB BOM: Eclipse maiden flight BOMarchived
single servo driver x 2
can splitter x 3
6s servo module x 1
6s power module ?
Redundant 5V buck x1
STATUS: Redraw block diagram
@Jerry Tian will upload new block diagram after meeting
Question: are we gonna use the GPS listed here? Fixed Wing 2025 | Electrical Components In the old (Jun 2024) block digram, it’s connected to the CAN splitter but It doesn’t seem to support CAN?
M9N GPS… @Jerry Tian will verify with Daniel or Nathan regarding CAN capability
How many pitot tubes do we need? where do we want it to be placed at?
just 1, will be placed halfway down the spar of the left wing
Harness timeline
physical harness done by Feb 23
6s Servo Module
EFS: @Hardy Yu PMing this, an onsite member was assigned to this yesterday so Hardy met with them today. No official progress on the task since last week but still on schedule since there isn’t too much left to do for this task. I believe Hardy found a possible work around to the external crystal oscillator issue but maybe he can update on that.
EE: to assemble rev 2 PCB
6s power module (EFS)
STATUS? (last week said we would set due date)
Research around the sensor/datasheet etc is finished. Began driver dev now. The CAN component will be very quick to implement since it’s very similar to our other CAN projects but don’t have a great estimate on how long driver part will take as it’s a capable member working on it but it’s his first driver. Open to due date suggestions or range and we can try to push it to be completed by then. Maybe @Derek Tang has a better estimate in mind
EE to finalize and order connectors
follow up in next eclipse sync
Foam Plane Pilot Training (first flight): Feb 2
Ecplise Strapdown Test: March 1st/2nd
Eclipse Maiden Flight Test: March 8th/9th
Pilot Training - Foam Plane
Mechanical structure is done
Validated the electronics
Mounted everything other than the rudder servo
Need to figure out link quality issues with our ELRS board
@Kenny Na will come to foam plane work session next week Monday to check in on this
might happen due to automatic RF signalling upon bootup and the signal is reflected back from an empty u.fl/antenna connector destroying the LNA output on the SX1281 RF IC
will be ordering some parts from digikey to repair old board
if unable to get reliable signal link quality will use the over the counter ELRS board we have