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Refactor to remove dronkit and replace with common mavlink
Test both to make sure that there are no breaking changes
Future tasks will be added after the updates
If members are interested in helping with the migration to the latest version of common ping @Balaji Leninrajan in Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games to work out details
Can be handled by PMs but might be a good chance for new members to learn about the system if there is enough bandwidth for non comp tasks
Integration with Obstacle Avoidance later?
Will discuss with leads and @Vyomm Khanna
Might have to wait till end of Feb to free up time to push for comp related stuff
@Honzik Schenk and @Evan Zhao have PRs up for their tasks
@Honzik Schenk 's PR will be reviewed this weekend
@Evan Zhao 's PR has to be rebased and reviewed
@Achita Anantachina@Herman Gahra
@Tochi Okoro Autonomous landing module
PR up, still working through it
@Aleksa Misic Cluster estimation labels
PR up, close to working
Debugging - not passing tests
@Herman Gahra Using message_encode_decode to send MAVlink messages to flight controller
PR up, close to finishing
@Adrian Lock Communications worker unit tests
Still working through writing them
@Rohan Katreddy Good progress on communications integration test
@Vibhinn Gautam
Working on reviewing PRs from last term - should be done within a week. - Seems like RTL button has been merged. - UI to change ports/connection also seems nearly complete.
I see some tasks on Asana are labeled as ‘in progress’ - who is working on them?
Will start assigning tasks from next week onwards as it seems like a lot of tasks are waiting on other subtasks.
Obstacle Avoidance
@Vyomm Khanna
Dug through the OA Repo, reached out to @Andrew Shumto finalise some stuff
Good amount of OA Documentation is ready!
Need to setup a sync with @Tong Zhang to discuss 1) how we should optimise OA further, 2) Schedule ground and flight tests 3) possibility of drone transmitting a constantly updating 2D FoV of nearby obstacles to ground station during flight (Could also double up as an in-flight aid during manual flight).
IR Camera + detection
Arducam testing?
Re-assigned to @Victor Huang
Action items
Task assignments
@Hasan Baig - map widget
@Victor Huang - min brightness filter
@Han Zhou - setup pis
@William Dai - pathing update @Evan Zhao to ping with task assignment
@Adityya Kaushal - airsde, @Herman Gahra to ping after his pr is merged