2025-02-06 Electrical Meeting
General updates for this week
Flight test
Competition updates
Eclipse (fixed wing updates)
Project updates
In person | Online |
@Ryan Scomazzon @Jerry Tian @Santosh Erathasari @Megan Lee | @Andrew Chai @Arsalan Nasrifar @Chenxuan Yuan @Kenny Na @Khalil Ramzi @Magnus Scott @Sam Zhang @Tim Gu Himansh |
General Updates
Comp Roster has been selected!
Thank you to everyone who applied, this was a unanimous decision amongst the leadership team, if you have any comments/questions/concerns, please let us know!
For more info, see:
For the full list, see Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
10 people were selected and plus a waitlist of 4 for if people drop out or if the rules change.
2 EEs on main list plus 1 on waitlist
Weef wishlist
What do we need?
Due soon, Meghan plans to get it out tomorrow
Hanging boxes on the walls for components
Bay door
There was an incident
Door was closed on foam, wasnt turned off, foam was removed, door fell and broke
SDC is mad at us
Please watch for things under the door when closing it
If you ever see something under the door, speak up
If this happens, open the door before removing things (this is what Graeme is mad about)
Be professional if people ask about it
See Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games for our official message about it
Work sessions
Tuesdays @ 6pm
reworking almost donee (switch pins & then alcohol = ready for power)
Saturdays @ 3pm
plan for this work sesh: finish rework & do lots of electrical validation
Start of term board order
@Kenny Na to order in person with Sarah on Friday!
sorry it took so long -meghan
Pick&Place machine
Getting moved to the bay so we can use it
Emailed Graeme, will see when it happens
PDB meetings? are these gonna be regularly scheduled?
@Andrew Chai
biweekly meetings? initial project brainstorming for the 1st couple weeks?
will decide meeting times later
New Sticker!!!!!!!
Flight Tests
Last flight test
February 2nd
Foam Plane maiden flight !
it totally crashed LOL
prop did not generate enough thrust to fly
servos not rated for below freezing temperatures, very little pilot control
looking into buying new servos rated for lower temps
Detect target IR validation test and accuracy test - houston
Images were all white from the reflection of the snow - ggs software issue
Next flight test
February 8th (This Saturday)
Plan: Cluster estimation
Comp roster people should be at these now
Solid chance it won't happen
Don’t forget to fill out the team roster: Microsoft Forms
Make sure to clean up after yourself
Get the electronsite role if on site - reach out to @Ryan Scomazzon if you have issues
Competition syncs Mondays at 9pm
Eclipse sync Tuesdays at 8pm
Tracking antenna meetings
Sunday 2pm
Reach out if you need help on a project or bootcamp
Recruit your friends!
More fun with friends
If you like the team, then we can do even more with more people!
Pegasus/Competition Updates
Found SSD
Waiting for mech task 2 solution.
Eclipse Updates
@Jerry Tian
Maiden flight date moved
Maiden flight electrical block diagram is done. @Tim Gu is getting started on the harness design. All harness sections below need a harness diagram.
right wing
left wing
Not too much progress on diagrams
Will get it done before feb 15
@Edson Gao has gone through videos
Project Updates
In order of priority. These are the active design projects.
PDB @Andrew Chai @Chenxuan Yuan
Had first sync
Next meeting will go deep into specific
@Santosh Erathasari doing revers polarity protection
@Megan Lee looking into sensing and power conversion
@Kenny Na looking into sensing and archidecture help
@Andrew Chai PM
Gonna look into system requirements - before next PDB meeting (weekend after this one)
Gonna finalize the block diagram - before next PDB meeting
We want the board done this term
People can get started on research
Plan is to have high current passthrough
Replace pdb and power module
Add precharge circuit onto it too (or a high side driver that has inrush current limit)
Do not yoink from old schem until that design is validated
Epic chalkboard sesh from @Jerry Tian
BMS @Andrew Chai @Sam Zhang
Gonna keep on the side
Research phase for now
Gonna be a lot to figure out
@Sam Zhang doing research for it
Take inspiration from 6S power module for balancing/cell monitoring
@Arsalan Nasrifar, @Chenxuan Yuan Is interested in helping
@Andrew Chai not gonna be too invovled due to focus on PDB
After that mostly self directed
Lets make a channel/confluence doc
Mention in comp sync
Jerry found old BMS schematic?
RPi Interface Rev C - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net) @Kenny Na @Daniel Puratich
On JLCPCB cart and ready to be ordered
Trying to order DigiKey components + parts to fix ELRS+Buck
Will now be ordering 1x of buck only, 1x of modem only, and 1x of modem + STM
no P&P
12S ESC - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net) @Ethan Abraham& @Andrew Chai
Done, waiting for board order
ELRS Redundant Diversity RX - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net)@Nolan Haines
On board order
12S Pre-Charge Controller Module@Robert Tang @Kevin Li
is this going on board order? is it possible if we get some ppl to review ? -Meghan
Andrew can give a quick review as well
Should be on the order
Check that it is on the order
3S ESC @Kenny Na @Santosh Erathasari @Megan Lee
Schematic still underway (I am blocked by midterms)
need to figure out BEMF sensing system, STM I/O (for flash and debug)
OUTx pins do not have sensing (I believe), need to use OPx
It is advised to review the STEVAL board for reference
test points might be nice
@Magnus Scott is interested in helping
Lets schedule a time to sync about it
Tracking Antenna Controller w ELRS@Ahmed Osman@Nolan Haines
test existing boards to identify any issues
verified current draw on both boards
about to order components either Friday or Saturday
architecture meeting either this week or next week
12V Input to 65W USB-PD Source - Electrical - WARG @Ian Van Den Steen
12V to 24V Boost Groundside Converter - Electrical - WARG @Tim Gu
Picked an option for a 960W 12-24V 40A convertor to buy off AliExpress for ~$100
Should be suitable for charging 4 x 7000mAh batteries simultaneously at 1C
Math and reasoning updated on the confluence page, can someone confirm it’s correct
Current sense resistor is a challenge
Maybe fix with hall senser
Current mirrors?
Might be a feature in some chips
Idea is to make a plan and do. Would be fun even if it is expensive and we dont make it
Water System Controller rev 2 - Electrical - WARG @Shawn Yang
Sensor Cluster - Electrical - WARG @Michael Botros
On this board order
Not priority for bringup so wont be done in a work session soon
Can still be done if someone wants to take charge and do it asynchronously
Michael (offsite) is down to sync with someone about it
Might need to sign NDA?
@Megan Lee interested but might need help
Open Tasks
Peggy harnessing?
Replacing DMM fuze/batteries?
Reach out to greame about pnp
Action Items
Make channel and doc for bms Battery Management System https://warg.365.altium.com/designs/2C02B41E-45F8-4AF9-94B2-DA6C829D2D89?activeDocumentId=CONNECTORS.SchDoc&variant=[No+Variations]&activeView=SCH&location=[1,99.04,6.98,28.17]#design
link pdb doc, Done.