2020-06-14 Meeting notes


Jun 14, 2020


  • @Anthony Berbari (Deactivated)

  • @Lucy Gong (Deactivated)

  • @Annie LePage


  • Talking to Teerstra?

  • Unmerged PRs

  • Sensor fusion update from Lucy

  • State machine update from Annie

  • Simulation update from Anthony

  • Can we meet our goals for june?

Discussion topics







Teerstra update


  • Will poke this week

    • About team state

    • About MATLAB License

Unmerged PRs


  • Annie will review today

Sensor Fusion Update


  • Abstract class prevents production and test build

    • Sol prod: Provide blank implementation in sensor.cpp files

    • Sol test: Writing a test file should help w/ test build

  • Integration test info: Could test algo accuracy by comparing w/ MATLAB values

  • MATLAB has a SensorFusion Toolbox! School doesn’t provide tho (add to MM on Asana)

State Machine Update


  • Started looking at RTOS stuff - understanding what needs to be done

    • Figuring out how the main state machine could be split up

Simulation Update


  • A GOOD TIME. Very cool!

  • New repo Simulink-sim

  • Simulations take values from local files (throttle.txt, aileron.txt, etc.) - info we'd be sending to safety - and a c-module intercepts those. The data is fed into an insane algo, which can solve diff eqs in all 6-DOF - outputs calculated data, which can then be input into sensor interfaces.

  • Doesn’t have Spike behavior yet, but semi-ready to hook into the state machine bc we can still send data

    • Needs some cmakelists.txt tweaking

    • MATLAB has access to USAF Digital DATCOM files that can simulate aerodynamic properties of real-life aerial vehicles!!! If this can be added to the Simulink-sim, Spike behavior can be properly simulated!!

June Goals


Recall: AttitudeManager + Unit and Integration Test should be done by June 28th.

REQ: Module guts, State Machine Implementation, Testing infrastructure

  • Touch base Wednesday evening to see progress

Action items

Lucy: Get SensorFusion building, write unit tests
Annie, Anthony: Go thru FreeRTOS and get barebones of State Machine
Looking more into the MATLAB Aerosimulation (Aerodynamics + simulation)
