Welcome to the ZeroPilot Documentation!
This is the home page for all documentation about ZeroPilot.
About ZeroPilot:
ZeroPilot is a next-generation autopilot, currently being developed by the Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group. It has been designed to be able to fly both fixed-wing and multi-rotor aircraft, but is easily adapted to control almost any vehicle.
Most of ZeroPilot's processing is performed by a powerful ARM Cortex-M7 microcontroller, produced by STMicroelectronics. The device used is the STM32F765ZG. There is a second MCU on board that manages the safety systems for the autopilot. This is the much smaller STM32F030RC. You can find more information about the hardware here.
The code for ZeroPilot is publicly available on the WARG GitHub.
If you're looking for the WARG embedded software bootcamp, it can be found here.
- Firmware Knowledge Base
- How-to articles
- Working with git
- Protocols
- Oscilloscopes 101
- C Keywords & Preprocessor Definitons
- Interrupts
- The Debugger
- Real Time Systems (RTOS and Friends) - WORK IN PROGRESS
- STM32-Specific Whimsy
- Coding Principles
- Unit Testing with Google Test
- Peripherals
- Working with Telemetry
- Working With Docker
- EFS Bookshelf
- Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Git and GitHub Tutorial
- Using the Command Shell
- EFS Tutorial Interview Questions
- Printf() with Nucleo Board
- WARG GSC Router
- Printf() in Debugging Session
- Getting Started with ZeroPilot
- ZeroPilot 3.5
- Ongoing Projects Page
- Example MicroArch + Timeline doc
- Comms Emulator Board - Requirements
- Simulator
- Lidar Rangefinder Support
- Debug board Project Proposal
- EFS Work Session Tutorials Ideas
- ZP3 improvement Ideas
- COTS Improvements
- Arduino Tracking Antenna Software
- ZeroPilot Validation Image Sequence
- Custom CAN Hub
- SWO printing with STM32
- CAN Lighting Board Firmware
- EFS Sensor Clustor
- RPI Interface Rev C Software
- EFS Servo CAN Adopter
- CAN Bus Baudrate Auto Sensing
- 6S Power Module
- EFS CAN-DShot ESC Adapter Board Firmware
- ArduPilot Kill Switch Modification
- ZP GPS Driver
- ZeroPilot CAN
- RFD 900 Mock Driver
- CAN Bootloader
- Competition
- Project Archive
- Tracking Antenna 2023
- ZeroPilot-ArduPilot Integration
- Phoenix
- Laminar OS
- ZeroPilot 1.0 Architecture
- ZeroPilot 3.0 Architecture
- HIL Controller version 0.1.x
- LOS_Storage & LOS_Logging Design + Impl.
- CRSF MicroArch Doc
- ZP3 Architecture Research - FW
- BLDC Motor Controller
- Hiren K Startup Guide
- MPU 6065 MicroArch + Timeline
- Firmware Bootcamp Proposed Amendments
External Links:
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