Controls Research

Research round 1 (oct 7, 2021)

Mostly just trying to find good sources on where to start to look for hexacopter controls. Will highlight good informative sources, may link to new sources.

Reach out to Rodolfo Pellizzoni or Steven Smith after. Probably reach out to Steven Smith, Rodolfo Pellizzoni is more focused on embedded timing/architecture/rm/etc. Steven Smith seems (seems!) to have more direct research interests with robot motion planning and dynamic vehicle routing!


  • Two main approaches to hexacopter control: CCA (Classical Control Allocation) & WCA (Weighted Control Allocation).

    • Control allocation deals with mapping the virtual control vector = [T L M N] T consisting of Thrust Roll Pitch & Yaw to individual motor speeds.

  • Most proposed implementations at this point use PID’s ?

  • Online or offline learning?

    • Have a drone that can dynamically learn (single node model?

  • Moltirotor basics


  • To Do

    • Global vs Local Reference Frame

    • How to make controls layout agnostic (doesn’t matter whether drone is hex, quad, octa, etc.)

    • Choose whether RC inputs control rate of change in axis or the angle

      • Controlling angle means that the drone will re-stabilize when sticks are released (stabilize mode) - better but harder to implement

      • Controlling rate means that the drone will not re-stabilizie after sticks are released - undesirable but easier to implement

Sources (Controls)

Sources: Sensor Fusion

  • Sensor Fusion - Required to compute roll/pitch/yaw angle based on the accelerometer and gyro values of the IMU

    • Madgwick

    • Mahoney

    • FIR


Sources (Simulation)


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