Attitude Management
Problem Statement
In order to fly most drones, some form of closed loop control is required to manage the attitude of the aircraft. Attitude manager will, as the name suggests, manage the attitude of the aircraft for the given flight mode (behaviour based on pilot inputs) and frame type
Must have: |
Nice to have: | |
Not in scope: |
See asana
Milestones and deadlines
Milestone | Deadline | Required Elements |
FW2 - Manual Fixed Wing | Jul 21, 2023 |
FW3 - Fixed Wing Fly by Wire A | Aug 4, 2023 |
Q1 - Quad Acro | Aug 18, 2023 |
FW4 - Fixed Wing Fly by Wire B | Aug 18, 2023 |
Q2 - Quad Stabilize | Sep 1, 2023 |
FW5 - Fixed Wing Cruise | Sep 1, 2023 |
Q3 - Quad Altitude Hold | Sep 15, 2023 |
FW6 - Fixed Wing Auto Takeoff | Sep 15, 2023 |
Q4 - Quad Loiter | Sep 29, 2023 |
Requirements Breakdown
Take input controls
Receive channel inputs, corresponding to yaw, pitch, roll
float percentage values
Receive from SM
Pass instructions to motor
Send percentage value (speed, or angle) for each motor
AM call’s drivers directly
Dshot Driver
PWM driver
Task Brainstorming:
Talk to SM team (Gagan) about how we are getting RC inputs and its format
Actually implementing receiving the inputs (i.e. function parameters)
Nice to have (If we finish early): Make sure this is done in a thread-safe manner
Converting RC channel input from SM into motor output values
Map each input channel to the appropriate output values
Determine correct direction, which motors are relevant
Implement calls to the motor drivers using the converted values
Interface with motor drivers, make sure it works as expected (e.g. input format)
Talk to the people assigned to the drivers
Have configuration of which motor is which (servos vs bldcs) in the models folder
And what type of control they are (e.g. rudder, throttle)
Nice to have: Set up AM thread (as opposed to simple function call)
Control pitch and roll with a PID algorithm
Implement PID controller (for each axis)
Calculate error between setpoint and current state
Implement loop to apply P, I, & D calculations
Each output value (roll, pitch) maps to motors in the same way as in previous milestone
Configurable gains (PID terms)
Can be modified during runtime
Configurable max roll & pitch angle
Defining and running the controller at a specified frequency
Get pitch and roll from SF in a thread safe manner.
Talk to people, make sure input format is as we expect
Get this in the appropriate format to use for the PID current state
Convert roll and pitch input to desired state
Should be constrained according to max angle configurations
Create a thread for AM
Run the thread at a fixed frequency (e.g. 200Hz)
Update SM inputs to be thread safe
Consider publisher-subscriber model and implement if appropriate
AM Structure
Attitude manager will exist as a standalone class. This class acts as the interface for other parts of the system to control the drone, and will contain the code for the control algorithms that are used for different flight modes.
In order to support multiple flight modes (control algorithms), a interface class of type ControlAlgorithm is used. Implementing every control algorithm using this interface class as a parent allows attitude manager to run any control algorithm for any aircraft without concern for the actual processing that is required for each.
The output of all control algorithms (control signals to various motors on the aircraft) will also be handled by attitude manager, which will be responsible for mapping the control signals to the correct peripherals. This will be configurable depending on the aircraft model that is being flown. Each control algorithm may also have custom configuration information depending on the aircraft it flies on.
Configuration File
The design of this configuration file is highly dependent on the design of system manager, but in general the following goals should be sought:
Minimize safety and avoid misconfiguration. Use whatever tools are feasible to ensure that the software cannot be incorrectly configured.
The configuration options should be easily understood by someone who does not know the code well, and should be easily extensible.
The specific things that need to be immediately supported in the configuration file that relate to attitude manager include:
What motors are connected to what peripherals
How many motors are connected that will perform a specific action
The tunings (e.g. PIDs) for each control algorithm
The control algorithms that the aircraft supports
control limits (e.g. max roll angle)
AM Input
Inputs to the attitude manager that are used to control the drone will follow the standard inputs that a controller would provide to a drone normally. These are usually labeled Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder or Roll, Pitch, Throttle, Yaw and each corresponds with an axis of the controller joysticks.
In order to facilitate communication, a thread safe interface for passing these values to attitude manager needs be created, and will follow the design standard that telemetry manager sets.
To simplify the design of attitude manager, all commands to the aircraft will use this same 4 channel input format. If other subsystems (such as path manager) need to send inputs to attitude manager, they should do so through the telemetry manager interface. In this case, the desired flight mode must be considered (and communicated to system manager & attitude manager as appropriate) when passing inputs to the aircraft because the different flight modes will interpret the 4 channels of input slightly differently.