


In the past, when we have started large projects like ZeroPilot, we always had our eyes set on the end goal. “What ZeroPilot should look like in the end.” Although it is good to think of the future and future proof our design as much as possible, when we have our sights set that far in the future, it is very hard to stay focused on the now.

We have introduced milestones as a way to keep us on track and keep our eyes on achievable, incremental goals, that should eventually lead to the end product. All design decisions should be based on milestones and it is important to keep the next milestone as the highest priority.

Although, this may mean that we don’t make the most “future-proof” design now, at least we will have something working that we can continuously build off of.

The Current Milestones

Fixed Wing Milestones

  1. Fixed wing manual (stick input to servo/motor output)

    1. MANUAL Mode — Plane documentation

    2. SBUS Driver (for RC input)

    3. PWM Driver (for motor output)

    4. Watchdog Driver

    5. Queue Driver (for interthread comms)

    6. SD Card Driver (for logging)

    7. System Manager

      1. Arm/Disarm

      2. Failsafe

      3. RC Passthrough

    8. Attitude Manager

      1. 1-to-1 Motor mappings

  2. Fly with Telemetry

    1. Basic Telemetry Manager (works with MAVLink Mission planner)

    2. Basic Attitude Manager (control servos via AM)

    3. RFD900 drivers

  3. Fixed wing Fly By Wire A (stick inputs map to pitch and roll angles, others are same as acro)

    1. FBWA Mode (FLY BY WIRE_A) — Plane documentation

      1. Note: YAW control is offered via IMU yaw_rate, providing only impulse control.

    2. Sensor Fusion with AHRS

    3. IMU

    4. Introduction to Atitude Manager

    5. Telemetry Manager PID value upload

  4. Fixed wing Fly By Wire B (same as fbwa but will hold altitude)

    1. FBWB Mode (FLY BY WIRE B) — Plane documentation

      1. Yaw control now offered via magnetometer

    2. Additions to Attitude Manager

    3. GPS driver

    4. Altimeter as alternative to GPS

    5. Airspeed

  5. Fixed wing cruise (hold ground track (wind compensation)

    1. CRUISE Mode — Plane documentation

      1. ground track now offered via gps

    2. Further additions to attitude manager

  6. Fixed Wing Auto Take Off

    1. Path manager auto take off

  7. Fixed Wing Full Auto

    1. Telemetry Manager

      1. Return to home

      2. waypoints/flight plan

      3. hover

  8. Fixed Wing Auto Landing

    1. Path Manager auto landing

    2. Telemetry Manager Land command

 Quadcopter Milestones

  1. Quad Acro

    1. target pitch yaw roll rates

    2. Acro Mode — Copter documentation

  2. quad stabilize

    1. auto leveling

    2. target pitch/roll angles

    3. Stabilize Mode — Copter documentation

  3. quad alt hold

    1. hold altitude

    2. Altitude Hold Mode — Copter documentation

  4. quad loiter

    1. hold position

    2. Loiter Mode — Copter documentation

  5. Quad auto take off

  6. Quad auto landing

  7. Quad auto flight