PWM Out driver for Zero-Pilot 3.5.
Class PWM_Channel
PWMChannel(TIM_HandleTypeDef* timer,
uint16_t timerChannel);
Arguments as a pointer to the timer channel, and the timer channel pin
Example usage below. Names the class instance as ‘pwmchannel’ and starts it on timer 2, channel 1.
PWMChannel pwmchannel(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_1);
The constructor will automatically set a pre-scaler based on the micro-controller system clock frequency. To do this, it takes the existing counter period set in the IOC file
Set Percent Member Function
void set(uint8_t percent);
Header file, constants
constexpr pwm period:20000
This is the microsecond period, our pwm cycle will only count up to 20000 MICROSECONDS
You should probably change your timer counts in the STM32 ioc file to be like 20000, I need to do the math for the prescaler if there is any
constexpr min signal: 950
Counts required for a 5% duty cycle (more so actually 4.75, but we want a margin of error)
contexpr max signal:2050
counts for a 10% duty cycle(9.75, same reason we dont do exactly 10)
Ticks is user defined
Corresponds to the total ticks per period
Alternatively, the source file converts this to the active ticks in the used cycle
This gives us a margin of 100 microseconds, which is essentially a couple heartz, idk rn