telemetry meeting minutes 7-16

telemetry meeting minutes 7-16

Part 1: telemetry manager structure

  • receive function:

goal: convert the mavlink input byte array into a struct

struct {






And send the struct to decoder function to decode the message

  • mavlink library

    • decoder → byte in struct out

    • encoder → struct in byte out

  • Transmit function:

    • identify the sender and receiver

    • send the message in struct to encoder to turn into an arry of byte

  • manager

    • call the transmit function, and wait for receiver function to process message in DMA

    • push or pop the message into the corresponding data structure and send to system manager for interthread comm



code done

7/31 - 8/15:

mission planner simulator testing

ground testing

8-20: (Sunday)

flight test

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