Flightmode Objects Management

Flightmode Objects Management

Basic System Manager Update from Ayoung

  • Few issues in the code that Hardy noticed (i.e. DMA config stuff) will handle accordingly

  • Will be testing on RC controller on Wed after general meeting

AM needs a flight-mode config object to know what flight mode control algorithm to run. 2 options:

  1. Instantiate all flight mode objects into an array on system boot and use a pointer to switch between them

    1. Pros: Faster to switch flightmode using a pointer

    2. Cons: Memory overhead, harder to implement

  2. Instantiate flight mode objects using a constructor on the fly

    1. Pros: No memory overhead, easier to implement

    2. Cons: Slower speed by needing to construct and destroy objects

Decision: Use method 2. since it’s fast enough and is easiest to implement, implement method 1. if more speed needed in switching flight modes.


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