Created a DroneKit script for an auto mission that switches from auto to guided mode and then back to auto mode, simulated on mp (works well, allows for intermediate waypoints ie. the output of path deflection algorithm). Aborted flight-test midway due to safety.
Guided mode controls is ready
Wrapping up decision module for vfh
completed unit tests for lidar_parser, finishing vfh and decision module unit tests. working on integration tests next week.
IR Camera + detection
IR camera has arrived and it works quite well.
The infrared emitter looks like a giant white/bright spot
Detection of bright/white spots is needed
We will be gathering a lot of data hopefully. Ideally we schedule a couple more flight tests for this purpose. # of images needed - target 1100 for now?
We will use classical CV for the model (thru openCV). Flight test on Saturday (and resulting images) will help determine which technique to implement.