Style guide should be followed for all C++ code developed for WARG.
We use tabs here.
Note: For class
and struct
member conventions, refer to the Data Structures
All variables must follow snake case.
int you_are_reading_this = 0; int you_are_reading_this{0}; bool nice_thanks_for_reading = false; bool nice_thanks_for_reading{false}; double this_is_super_fun = 0.0f;
As a rule of thumb, all variables should be initialized upon declaration to prevent undefined behaviour.
Only exception to this is static variables in classes, which should have an underscore before the first character:
// These are static variables for a class static int _you_are_reading_this{0}; static bool _nice_thanks_for_reading = false; static double _this_is_super_fun = 0.0f;
Constants (const
and constexpr
) should be named using camel case, with the first character being a k
const int kYouAreReadingThis{0} constexpr bool kNiceThanksForReading{false};
The *
should be separated on both sides by a space:
int * integer_pointer = nullptr;
As a rule of thumb, all pointers must be initialized on declaration. If you are not assigning it a value, then set it to nullptr
like the example above.
Declaring Variables on the Same Line
Declaring and initializing multiple variables of the same type can be done on the same line. However, the number of variables on the line should not exceed 5:
int a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3; int a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3, e = 4, f = 6; // Not good, six variables on same line
Structs and Classes
When declaring structs, classes, or any object for that matter, we will prefer to use C++'s implementation of value initialization so all parameters are default initialized (are given their default value).
struct A { ... }; int main() { A hello {}; // The curly brackets trigger value initialiation }
Mathematical Operations
There should always be spaces around all mathematical operators. There should always be spaces between equal signs.
int b = (1 + 2 - 3) * random_variable / 5.0 + random_variable_two % 7;
There must be a space around all operations (==
, >=
, &&
, etc.)
if (1 < 2 || (1 <= 3 && 2 >= 1) || 1 == 1 || 1 > 0) { ... }
Additionally, if a condition list has more than one condition, any condition containing mathematical operations must be surrounded in brackets:
if (1 + 1 > 0) { ... } // Only one condition if ((1 + 1 > 0) && 4 == 4) { ... } // More than one condition
Order of Terms
When comparing the value of a variable, it is best practice to put the value before the variable identifier. This prevents runtime errors from occuring in case you use =
instead of ==
if (1 == a) { ... }
If Statements
There must be a space around the if
and else
keywords, and there must be a space separating the condition list and the opening curlly-bracket. Curly-brackets must be on the same line as the condition list.
if (a == b) { } else if (b == c) { } else { }
Always use curly brackets, even if the code within the if statement is one line.
Ternary Expressions
Pretty standard.
bool b = true; int a = b ? 1 : 0;
Switch Statements
Switch statements are pretty standard too, just need to get the indentation right. Also, ensure you put break
s in every condition unless you cannot put it:
int a = 1; switch(a) { case 1: // Indent the cases ... break; // Keep a space between the end of one case and the condition of the next case 2: case 3: ... break; default: // Always include a default case break; }
Curly Brackets
Should be on the same line as the do
, for
, and while
for ( ... ) { } do { } while ( ... ); while { }
Also keep a space between the do
, for
, and while
keyword; conditions, and open curly-bracket.
Conditions follow same rules as if statements.
We try to avoid using the break
keyword when exiting loops. Instead, use a boolean flag to track if the loop is done executing.
bool isDone{false}; for (int i = 0; i < 10 && !isDone; i++) { if (6 == i) { isDone = true; } }
Naming and Brackets
Functions should use lower camel case in their names. There should be no spaces between the function name and the parameter list. The open curly-bracket must be on the same line as the function name, and must be separated from the parameter list by one space:
int hewwoThereFwend() { return 0; }
Parameter names
Parameter names should be in camel case
The *
in pointers must be separated on both sides by one space.
void hewwoThereFwend(string * fwendName) { ... }
NOTE: Moving forward, we will prefer to use reference parameters over pointers when passing by reference. It is a more C++ style of programming.
Reference Parameters
The &
in reference parameters must be appended to the datatype of the parameter.
void hewwoThereFwend(string& fwendName) { ... }
We will prefer to use this C++ feature when passing values by reference. To learn more about reference parameters, you can refer to the following links:
More than one Parameter
Parameters in a list must be separated by commas (obviously lol), but a space must separate a comma and a parameter:
void switchFwendName(string& fwendName, string newFwendName) { ... }
If the parameter list is very long, creating a vertical list of parameters is acceptable too. Just ensure each parameter starts in the same column so as to ensure readability.
void hewwoThereFwend(string fwendOne, string fwendTwo, string fwendTwee, string fwendFour, string fwendFive) { ... }
All function declarations must have a comment above describing its purpose, parameters, and returned value. Pay notice to the spacing on the *
and the /**
that opens the comment
/** * This function switches the friend's name with a new name * * @param fwendName -> reference pointing to the friend's name * @param newFwendName -> value of the friend's new name * * @return none */ void switchFwendName(string& fwendName, string newFwendName);