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Make sure to update the Title following the format “Jan 01, 2020 Flight Test”

📋 Flight Preparation

Requested by:

Anthony Luo

Required Sub-teams

  • Mech
  • Electrical
  • EFS
  • CV
  • Operation
  • Sys-Int

Requested Date

Location and Time

1800-2000, Waterloo Region Emergency Services Training Center

Summary & Goals

Test Transition Flight


Yes ✅ / Pending 🟨 / No 🛑

👥 Required Persons During Test


Phone #



Anthony Luo 

613 618 5547

Flight Test Lead

  • Creating documentation

  • Booking the test flight

  • Creating a thread in #flight-staging

 Anthony Luo

613 618 5547

 Pilot in Command

  • Aircraft preparation

  • Filling out documentation

Ayoung (tentative)


  • Making sure everyone is safe

  • Bringing Med kit

Aidan Bowers

Flight Engineer

  • visual observer

Alison Thompson

Mechanical Rep

👥 Other Attendees



🚗 Drivers & Seat Arrangement


Vehicle Type





📊 Success criteria


Success Criteria



  • Successful Transition flight

  • Able to fly forward at up to 20m/s and maintain lift/authority for fixed wing flight

  • Wires properly connected, props mounted properly.

⏲️ Testing Timeline



Mon & Tue

Aircraft Assembly

If aircraft assembly is complicated, outline dates of various milestones that should be met to ensure we don't rush to complete work at the last minute.

Tue 8-10PM

Pre-flight Preparation

Feel free to not come at 9 if you don’t have a lot workload. During this time get snack if needed

Wed 1700

Required persons for preflight preparation show up at bay

Flight test lead breifly assign task for preparation work

Wed 1730

Flight brief from flight test lead

Wed 1730

Loading onto the Car

Take your water bottle with you. Go washroom before we leave!

Drive to the test ground

Wed 1800

Flight Testing


🧯 Aircraft Incident Procedures




Outline the procedure for who will go to handle the aircraft in the event of a crash, what should be done, were emergency equipment is, etc.


Outline the procedure for flyaways. List relevant contact information for local authorities and plans of action to recover control of the aircraft

Configuration Error

Outline steps to take in the event of a configuration issue with the aircraft


Property Damage

🔧 Week-Before To-Do List

 Week Before Checklist
  • Drone Registration

Drone Registration Number:

  • Flight test location booked
  • Pilot scheduled
  • Test Plan (What we are testing)
    • This should also include the flight path where applicable
  • Subteam action items (for flight readiness)
  • Transportation logistics finalized
    • Booking SDC vehicles
    • Assigning drivers
    • Renting any needed equipment (trailer? generator? etc.)

🔧 Day-Before To-Do List

 Day Before Checklist
  • SDC Vehicle key collected (if required)
  • Batteries Planned for (DON'T LEAVE CHARGING OVERNIGHT)
    • Drone batteries & spares
    • Transmitter batteries
    • Battery tester/indicator
  • On-site kit together
    • First Aid Kit
    • Ground station / Laptop
    • Antenna / Receivers
    • Transmitter
    • Extra Water
    • Power cords / Extension cables
    • Wrenches
    • Allen keys
    • Knives
    • Tape
    • Rope/string
    • Zip/Velcro ties
    • Radios
    • Safety goggles
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Spare foam
    • hot glue gun w/ hot glue stick
    • harnesses
  • Airfame assembled
  • ESCs/flight controller wired
  • Radio equipment tested
    • Channel mappings
    • Flight modes
  • Motors tested
  • Wiring secured (Harnessing)
  • End-to-end test (neglecting props)
  • Check the center of gravity
  • All components not on the airframe that are required should be in the flight box (e.g. props & prop nuts)
  • Airframe payload
  • Spare parts
    • Props
    • Airframe components (landing struts, arms, etc)
      • wings nuts
      • prop nuts
      • any detached components such as angle mount
      • props for other aircrafts such as Houston
    • Hardware to assemble these components
    • Electronics
      • ESCs
      • Motors
      • Flight controllers
      • Receiver
  • Flight Code Flashed
  • Ground station Software updated

↪️ Pre-Departure Checklist

 Pre-Departure Checklist
  • Take the WREST RC entrance card
  • Grab Pre-departure Items
    • Battery charger and associated cables(30tx to 60tx)
  • Check battery status
    • Charge if required, otherwise place into flight box
  • Systems test
    • Check flight controller orientation
    • Check motor spin & rotation direction
    • Check transmitter mappings
    • Verify communication links (VTX/RX, Controller, Groundstation)
    • Verify the mission planner is logging data
  • Only attach props directly before flight (keep off at all other times)
  • Get snacks
  • Mission Briefing
    • Read the flight plan to the team (that was made a week ago)
    • Purpose of flight
    • Plan of action
    • Success criteria
    • Delegate and brief on flight line roles
    • Safety Briefing
    • Key flight characteristics to observe
    • Key system characteristics to observe
    • Measurements to be made

🚩 Pre-flight Safety Checklist

 Pre-Flight Inspection
  • Air Frame
    • Check all antennas, ensuring they are secure and in good condition
    • Check the battery emplacement and secure attachment and ensure there are no cracks
    • Check that all lights are operating normally
    • Check that all sensors are secured and clear of any obstructions
    • Check that the GPS is receiving satellites and providing a navigation solution
    • For fixed wing aircraft, Check:
      • Wings, ensuring they are securely attached to fuselage
      • Wing leading edge surfaces
      • Top and bottom of wing surfaces
      • Wing tip surfaces
      • Read of wing and all flight control surfaces for freedom of movement, security and any skin damage
    • For rotary aircraft:
      • Inspect top and bottom of air frame arms for cracks, loose parts, or signs of damage
      • Check fluid levels and ensure no leaks if applicable
  • Control Surfaces
    • Ensure Elevator moves correctly
    • Ensure Ailerons move correctly
    • Ensure Rudder moves correctly
  • Landing Gear
    • Check landing gear is secure
    • Inspect skids or wheels, especially attachment points
  • Power plant
    • Cowling or motor casing
    • Security of engine mounts
    • Presence of any cracks
    • All wiring and connectors, ensure no cracks, loose connectors, or chaffing
  • Propellers / Rotors
    • Ensure propeller is secured
    • Check for nicks, chips or cracks
    • Ensure prop direction is correct
  • Batteries
    • Inspect to ensure there is no signs of swelling, external leaking or other defects
    • Battery wiring and connectors from the battery are connected securely
    • Batteries (and spares) are adequately charged
    • Wires are not pinched
  • Control Station / Receivers / Transmitter
    • The battery and spare batteries if required are adequately charged
    • Control Station device and cables are properly connected and functioning
    • All flight interfaces are functioning normally
  • Safety
    • Good visibility and safe wind speed
    • Surrounding is free of obstacles
    • Crew far from drone
    • General Site Survey
      • Are there other people on the property
  • Ground Recording / drone footage on
  • Autopilot
    • Control surfaces respond to autopilot in the correct manner
    • Transitions between flight modes have expected effect
    • Return-to-home systems, if present, have been configured

😎 Post-Flight Checklist



  • Use Flight-Post Mortem to Debrief


  • Discard of damaged batteries

  • Discharge used batteries for better longevity

Flight Test Post Mortem

  • Pilot with LOS

  • FPV camera angled lower

  • More flying experience

Data&LOG Analysis:

Watch recording if you need full information of the debrief

< flight path overview >

In general, from our flight path:

  • took off at the gravel pad BELOW the skid-pad because formula motorsports (gas) was using the skid pad and we had agreed that we would take off off the track.

  • flew out in quad mode a bit, and then proceeded to transition

  • Transition was not fully completed until after we had turned back towards the skid pad

  • Orientation was difficult to judge for all parties, and the drone was identified as “heading towards us very fast”, which is when we transitioned back to QLoiter

  • At some point in the transition, a motor failed and the drone entered a flat spin, drifting with the wind until it landed in a nearby water reservoir.

  • note drop in current after transition complete, and stabilization of current draw when in transition.

< altitude/pitch analysis >

  • Desired pitch not controlled by the autopilot until transition done

    • large gap between transition airspeed reached and transition done? Nathan Green

  • Pitch is controlled by the quad motors until transition airspeed is reached, when the quad motors will then power down. and no longer provide levelling.

  • After the quad motors shutoff, there is a fairly large moment pushing the nose of the aircraft down.

  • Notice that with a spike in desired pitch, the aircraft does respond to the autopilot & also pilot input

    • (not shown, RCIN was requesting almost full nose up. Seems that desired pitch is software limited?)

< motor graph >

< brief thoughtdump from anni >

  • Push motor drawing 40A (20A last flight test)

  • Max airspeed reached around 24m/s (while decending)

  • Pitch/Roll has positive correlation

  • Elevator deflicting to 900 when transition QLoiter → FBWA

  • Elevator deflecting to 1800 ish when max angle in FBWA

  • Max desired pitch limits to 20 in FBWA (software limit?)

  • Transition airspeed reached → transition done had (5s?) delay ← unsure please check me

  • Motor 4 (BR) was being commanded to full throttle on QLoiter transition but was not reacting.

  • Multiple flatspins on final descent.

  • Landed in the water.

< to insert charts if possible >

  • All persons are unharmed and safe

  • Transition was marked as complete (adequate airspeed)

  • Relocation of pusher motor showed marked improvement (both in measured current draw and measured airspeed) - indicating that relocation gave more airmass for movement.

  • Airframe survived 5Gs of deceleration when used as an airbrake during the transition from FBWA → QLoiter

  • Commanded pitch/roll and autopilot desired pitch/roll corresponding positively to actual aircraft attitude change. This indicates our software system is good.

  • Video was clear during the entire flight, with minor rolling banding when quad motors are spinning and brief (<1s) breakup near the start.

  • Flight engineer had difficulty finding data.

    • data layout was not consistent between flights & this was not checked prior to flight

  • Visual observers had difficulty tracking the vehicle as it flew into the glare of the sun.

  • ,

  • Did not follow aircraft operating manuals for what to do in the event of emergencies.

  • Site survey was rushed - the team did not adequately consider possible emergency scenarios.

  • Flightline procedures were not clear

    • The team was unsure as to what to do and there was minimal coordination after the crash.

    • The team did not know what information needed to be passed around and whose job it was to pass that information around

  • We crashed

  • No communication with the other design team that was testing above us.

  • Preparations for the flight test were not thorough. → this led to rushed preparation before flight window.

    • The drone was flown on sunday in the same configuration, and many systems were overlooked as they have not been touched and were assumed to be working.

    • Day before procedures were not followed, items that could have been fixed on previous days were not fixed.

  • Saw a motor fail to start during initial motor test sequence. Motor spun on subsequent tests and the issue was not further investigated

  • Harness on ESCs were a potential point of failure. TBD depending on RCA, but:

    • Motor 4 / Motor B is now crunchy

    • Front left ESC is blown up

    • Rear left motor had signal issues

RCA for Red Items

Create a RCA and keep it as a child page.

Action Items

  • Readout data panel is consistent on mission planner and shows the data that pilots and visual observers want
  • Schedule next meeting for the future of cornflakes
  • Directly solder to ESCs and remove all 3 pins
  • Check health of electronics that were on Cornflakes
  • Increase ARSPD_FBW_MAX, decrease Q_TRANSITION_MS to 1sec, run autotune
  • Complete RCA for crash Anthony Luo
  • Update and review our procedures

Water Dmg. Breakdown

Booking WRESTRC Field

How to Book the Flight Grounds

  • No labels