Task 1, there is already a way to do this in Mission Planner. The plan that we had for Task 1 seems not very helpful as these things already exist.
Can we implement modules that can help us in future competitions when Autonomy tasks get more complicated.
Try to get more people involved with Mission Planner and integration so people have more knowledge on that stuff in our sub-team.
Having more modules in the repository to add more tools in the toolbox. We can look into working on this in the future.
We can continue working on modules that have been assigned for task 1 as they are generalizable and good for future competitions.
Follow the mission planner approach and do not stop progress for task 1 code.
Get people working on setting task 1 code up in mission planner and focused on integration.
We can continue to work on the custom solution. People will enjoy writing code and see their code deployed on the drone.
In terms of refactoring, we want to move anything related to drone kit into common
In pathing we can focus more on waypoint manipulation
Commanding the drone to land, that can go to common
Issues with floating point precision in Dronekit
We can keep these tasks in Asana backlog (focus on it after competition or focus a little on it this term if there are outstanding tasks)
We should use classes to abstract away dronekit
Learn more about mission planner so we have that integration knowledge.
If you want to do pure graph theory you don’t need to know about mission planner.
If you want to do something and common isn’t enough, you will need to learn about mission planner so you can interface it.