Ground station (Tracking antenna, data forwarding, OSD, etc)
… etc
Long term Project Goals
Paris wasn’t built on a D20, so we need to see to it…. or something
We’d like to come up with short-term goals for this competition season, as well as long term goals for the next few projects. This goes for all subteams, and we do not need all subteams working on the “same” projects/airframe, but we need to fit it all into a meta that allows us to perform well at AEAC and (hopefully) SUAS. This may involve cutting projects that aren’t directly relevant, and creating other projects to fill niches and voids. Having this plan will really allow us to go hard on marketing.
Flight Test Schedule
I know this is aggressive, but we won’t know what issues we’ll run into until we flight test in all sorts of conditions, so if we can’t meet our fall term schedule of E2E integration, we won’t find issues until it’s too late.
Lots of good activity going on about this, we likely don’t need to announce this publicly until a bit later in the fall term when things are more settled down.
Merch/swag Plan
Hoodie run in the Fall (Post midterms, late October / early November)
Jackets possibly moved to W24 along with all competition branded merch
The “FPP” is designed to be level-checks in place to make sure that people don’t “YOLO fly” the drone, but is designed to work alongside our documentation like quick-start guides or configuration guides, as well as in-person experiences being mentored or learning through doing/watching.