
The reason we ask the attitude manager for data is that GPS is actually fairly inaccurate (only accurate within a few meters, at best). So we can combine what we know about how the aircraft is oriented and how fast it's going with the GPS measurements to get more accurate results.

The above diagram shows the state flow of the Path manager. The following diagram shows which modules get which data from which other modules. (Note that no 2 sub modules directly talk to each other. Rather it's the state machine that does the work of communicating the data from one to the other).

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Some notes:

  • Autonomous takeoffs/landing is still a whiles away, but not sure how it would fit into such an architecture. Probably want another state machine that takes control from this one when we deal with take offs/landings.
  • Not sure how information coming from the computer vision will be used. Does it belong in this state machine ? Probably will need another state machine that takes over control from this one once we're close enough that we can start finding targets via computer vision.
