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Representative: Sahil Kale

Position: Team Lead


Organization Summary:

The Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) is a team of passionate students developing autonomous aerial vehicles capable of performing various tasks.

With WARG our main priority is student learning. Two of our current projects are Project VANGUARD and ZeroPilot. Project VANGUARD involves students in a multitude of tasks such as protoyping, designing both the physical aircraft and the code that runs it. ZeroPilot is our own custom-built autopilot system. This great experience for students gives them hands-on experience on how to set up a first-person autopilot system, which isn't something that every student gets to say about their university experience. Our ZeroPilot system is reinforced by a Computer Vision system that provides perception to our drone, allowing us to detect objects and read QR codes to provide autonomous flight. Our computer vision system gives our team members experience with industry-standard computer vision software.

With the university opening back up, we are looking to take advantage of this opportunity to work with our team in an in-person environment, providing our students with a hands-on experience in building and operating a cutting-edge unmanned aircraft. WARG will be competing in the annual Unmanned Systems Canada Student Competition this May, a national competition bringing together 8 universities and countless industry leaders. We intend to bring 10-15 members from our various sub-teams to represent UW Engineering. We are asking for sponsorship in order to cover the costs incurred from our team competing on a national level.

This term, we are currently developing and testing in preparation for the competition. Whether we fail or succeed in the competition, we want to ensure that our students have technical skills and memorable experiences that they can be proud of. Building a cutting-edge aircraft and representing UW Engineering at a national level is an impactful endeavour for the university and an unforgettable experience for our students, and we hope the Dean’s Office will help us make this possible.