UW Funding Task Planning
**Dean Funding**
[Application Form](https://uwaterloo.ca/engineering/sites/ca.engineering/files/uploads/files/StudentFundingReqestForm_0.pdf)
Deadline: NOV 1, 2021
1. A short overview description of the team and what you hope to achieve and/or promote. Tell us why you think the Dean would be a beneficial sponsor to your group.
2. A profile of the team membership/makeup - i.e. number of participating students by their department.
3. A budget, all sponsorship sources and amounts secured elsewhere (e.g. department). What would be your fair estimate of the Dean's contribution?
Sahil’s notes: This focuses on competition-related expenses and such.
Sponsorship - Waterloo Engineering Society
Note, submit to president directly at president.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca
Deadline: Sunday Nov 13th
Very similar to WEEF, aim for ~$900 in asks
1. Organization Summary
2. Benefits to Engineering
3. Purchase Timeline
4. Proposal Breakdown
Deadline: 31 Oct 2021
Sahil’s notes: aim big on this one. WEEF has $240k to allocate, let’s ask for ~20k this term. We won’t get all of it, but let’s aim big.
[Presentation Guidelines](https://uwaterloo.ca/engineering-endowment-foundation/proposals/presentation-guidelines)
[Past Proposals](https://uwaterloo.ca/engineering-endowment-foundation/sites/ca.engineering-endowment-foundation/files/uploads/files/w21_proposal_booklet_revised.pdf)
1. Description of proposal: Who we are
2. Proposal Benefits: Why do we need this money, why should you care?
3. Estimated equipment lifetime
4. Implementation schedule
5. Presentation (see site)
Math Endowment Fund (We’re eligible cause we have CS students)
Terms for Project Funding | Mathematics Endowment Fund | University of Waterloo
ACTION: Figure out MEF deadlines etc. Probably 1 Nov is a good guess.
*We should do the following*
1. Define a concise value proposition for our team that we can reuse in cases like this. Value proposition should center around what we do for our students and the technology we're developing rather than our performance.
1. Answers: Dean's Q1, EngSoc 1-2, WEEF 1-2
2. An overview of what we're developing over the season and our timeline. This should be strictly informative for the business team to craft proposals rather than a value proposition. Business team should use this to describe what we're doing with the money at a high level.
1. Answers: Dean's Q1, EngSoc 2-3, WEEF 2 and 4.
3. A wish list of all equipment we'd like to buy within this term. This doesn't have to be completely accurate, an estimation is fine, but it should be used by business to draft proposals.
1. Answers Dean's 3, EngSoc 4, WEEF 3
4. A budget for the team. This should consist of **all sources of funding secured (monetary and in-kind), all cash on hand (from bank account), and all of our planned expenses** (combine capex from wish list in #3 and opex for the competition and maintaining the team).
1. Answers EngSoc 3
2. Should be integrated into team financial model that would also include all current assets and budget shortfall
5. Team roster, all individuals on team and faculty. Should exist, just needs to be updated
1. Answers EngSoc 2