Business Team 2022 On-Going Tasks

House Keeping

Review and organize the following resources into an accessible collection (Perhaps Google Drive )
Ensure the corresponding Excel sheets for Equipment Wish List are functional and accessible
Upload and Organize Logo and social templates in accessible folder
Update our official website information (
Create official business team bootcamp link.


Sponsorships Related

Reach out to individual Team leads for potential sponsor suggestions, collect a list of commonly used equipment and their corresponding companies.
Reach out to potential sponsors listed on the sponsorship Tracking sheet, update progress.
Update sponsorship package information and design in accordance with updated branding style guide
Update WEEF proposal package information and design in accordance with updated branding style guide
Complete Engineer of the Future Fund Application Form before due date (January 28, 2022)
Prepare for Engsoc Application proposal

Team Leads :

  • Ray Lei for CV

  • Kevin Li for Electrical

  • Dhruv Upadhyay and Anthony Luo for firmware

  • Steven Wang and Cindy Cai for Mech


General Finance


Ensure that our current purchase protocol is still functional and accessible for all members.
Reach out to individual members who have emailed the required document on their state of reimbursed.

Financial Ledger

Maintain and Upkeep our general financial ledger. (Linked directly pinned in Business Channel)
Organize and create a general budget plan for 2022 with support from team leads.