Form Plans

Form Plans

Transcribed from notes taken during the F21 Business Goals Meeting

  • Purchase Reimbursement form:

    • Required Info:

      • Item

      • Purchase Amount

      • Receipt

      • Allocation

    • Process:

      1. Purchase item and preserve receipts.

      2. Determine funding source for that item.

      3. Copy a template email and send it to the respective funding source with an attached receipt.

      4. Fill out the WARG Expense Claim Form, attaching your recipt and providing the above information.

    • Development of process:

      • Find the emails required to be sent for each funding source and develop templates, note down the attachments required and the email address it should be sent to.

      • Set up a google form, outline process in form description and add email templates, required attachments and email address for each funding source in form description.

      • Set up form fields to collect required information.