Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block

//fixed wing code

//drone code


Things we have done

  • Comms btw AM and TM

    • Currently reviewing how we receive data from TM

    • Sending Data to AM is on hold for now

    • Unsure if we still need to send data to TM

  • pathStateClasses.hpp

    • Code Block
      #include "TelemPathInterface.hpp"
    • Code Block
      //for drone code
      class commsWithTelemetry : public pathManagerState
              // other code is here 
              static fijo* GetTelemetryIncomingData(void) {return &_incomingData;}
              //commsWithTelemetry() setup code is here
              static fijo _incomingData; // Stores the commands sent by telemetry for easy access by other states in the pathmanager'
  • pathStateClasses.cpp

    • changed all instances of PIGO struct to fijo for drone code

      • fijo commsWithTelemetry::_incomingData;

  • pathStateClasses.cpp and hpp

    • declared incoming telem data as fijo…may not recognize it…look at “Things to do“ for more info

    • deleted the unneeded takeoff and landing stages

    • Currently working on merging the initialization and continuous waypoint setting into one stage

    • takeoffRollStage is now preflightStage

    • and takeoffClimbStage is now takeoffStage

  • WaypointManager.hpp

    • updated _PathData, _WaypointOutputType, and _WaypointManager_data_out

    • changed BUFFER_SIZE to 3 for an array to hold previous, current, and next waypoint

    • Code Block
      * Structure stores information about the waypoints along our path to the destination and back. Got rid of turn radius
      struct _PathData {
          int waypointId;                   // Id of the waypoint
          _PathData * next;                 // Next waypoint
          _PathData * previous;             // Previous waypoint
          long double latitude;             // Latitude of waypoint
          long double longitude;            // Longitude of waypoint
          int altitude;                     // Altitude of waypoint
          _WaypointOutputType waypointType; 
      struct _WaypointManager_Data_Out{
          uint16_t desiredTrack;              // Desired track to stay on path
          int desiredAltitude;                // Desired altitude at next waypoint
          long double distanceToNextWaypoint; // Distance to the next waypoint (helps with airspeed PID)
          _WaypointStatus errorCode;          // Contains error codes
          bool isDataNew;                     // Notifies PID modules if the data in this structure is new
          int desiredAirspeed;
          uint32_t timeOfData;                // The time that the data in this structure was collected
          _WaypointOutputType out_type;       // Output type (determines which parameters are defined)
    • deleted anything to do with turnRadius, and inHold variables. Deleted start_circling and initialize_waypoint for orbit waypoints

  • CruisingState.hpp

    • replaced telemetry input data struct, removed inHold boolean, unsure what to do about goingHome boolean

    • Code Block
      _ModifyFlightPathErrorCode editFlightPath(fijo * telemetryData, WaypointManager& cruisingStateManager, int * idArray);
      // Removed the inHold boolean flag as hovering/holding feature was removed for code   
      _GetNextDirectionsErrorCode pathFollow(fijo * telemetryData, WaypointManager& cruisingStateManager, _WaypointManager_Data_In input, _WaypointManager_Data_Out * output, bool& goingHome);
      • initialize_waypoint, update_path_nodes, initialize_flight_path, get_next_directions

  • CommsWithTelemetry.hpp

    • Code Block
      #ifdef IS_FIXED_WING 
      bool GetTelemetryCommands(Telemetry_PIGO_t *commands);
      bool GetTelemetryCommands(fijo *commands);
  • redefined PM-TM (TelemPathInterface.h) and PM-AM structs (AttitudePathInterface.h) as shown below

    • Code Block
      struct gpsCoordinatesFIJO{
          double longitide; 
          double lattiude; 
      struct fijo{
          // uint8_t start; ?
          struct gpsCoordinatesFIJO gpsCoord;
          bool qrScanFlag; 
          bool takeoffCommand; 
          bool detectFlag;  
      } fijo; 
    • Code Block
      struct CommandsForAM{
          float rotation; //orientation? in radians? 
          float desiredX, desiredY, desiredZ;
