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🛸 General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • Conops (& associated meetings)

  • 2022-2023 Competition Pilots: Andy Meng & Anthony Luo

🔗 Quick Links:

Table of Contents

🖥 PR’s and Reviews

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

What current projects do we have ongoing?


Current Projects

  • Path Manager (Neha)

    • path-management (I forgot)

    • auto-land (gordon)

    • auto-takeoff (gordon)

    • auto-taxi (maybe?)

    • Communications (aadi)

      • air-ground, air-air

  • Attitude Manager (anni + dhruv + aidan)

    • Sensor Fusion (tony?)

    • Controls (anni)

  • LOS (unsure)

    • Drivers: (unsure)

      • imu/gps/opticalflow/etc

    • Interfaces: (unsure)

      • los_telem, etc etc

  • Infra+devops (nobody)

✈ Priorities next week:


🍍 Team Member Updates

🔭 Things to look out for!

  • New RC-Link modules

  • New VTX modules

  • Oh-so-many antennas

  • testbed airframes