From the highest level, one can think of the entirety of the ZeroPilot software engine as being a black box which takes in instructions from a ground station (about the flight plan, amongst other data) and outputs a series of actuator commands in order to fly the aircraft. ZeroPilot runs across 2 separate microcontrollers that communicate with each other over SPI. The first chip, “Autopilot”, is responsible for all aspects of autonomous flight except attitude management and actuator control. The second chip, “Safety”, is responsible for attitude management (generating PWM values for the actuators) and sending instructions to the actuators. Safety is also used for reading in a redundant telemetry link which may be used in the event of catastrophic failure.
As a whole, ZeroPilot is designed to take care of everything from takeoff to level flight to landing and apart from collecting instructions from the ground station about where we want to go, it does all this without the need for any human intervention.
Software design
The safety firmware is made to contain the bare minimum required to perform manual flight. As seen in the flowchart, the safety component of ZeroPilot consists of a few blocks. These are responsible for collecting data from Autopilot as well as from the secondary telemetry link. Depending on whether an emergency has occurred or not, the Decision Module will either send the Autopilot or telemetry information into the Attitude Manager. The Attitude Manager then converts the inputted data into PWM values that are sent to the actuators. The functionality of each Safety module is detailed in a child page of this one.
Firmware that runs on the AutoPilot chip does so atop FreeRTOS.