Chris C
Jack G
Neha S
Gordan F
Hardy Yu
Tony B
Ishman M
In-Person: (100% facecam)
🖥 PR’s and Reviews
❗Updates this week!
(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)
Phoenix Tuning (yuchen hardy ayoung kenson)
will be starting soon
yuchen starting on sunday earliest. Not sure if code finished. Will double check with Jack.
need someone to verify code on port.
ZeroPilot 3
System Manager (anni)
documentation coming out soon. see AM architecture meeting for more info.
Path Manager (neha)
Finished defining FSM, prioritizing getting takeoff/landing manager working with the rest of PM
Takeoff/landing initial implementation being added
Gordon still has a bit more math work
Reference frame set
at MVP state (Thanks gordon!)
blocked by telem/pm comms
Attitude Manager (anni)
Architecture meetings anew, multiple hours.
you can find the first 6 here:
documentation for AM coming out soon.
Telemetry Manager (unassigned atm)
more telemetry manager stuff coming out soon
Both STM32F401RE and STM32L5ZEQ compiles using CMake with the build script
LaminarOS repo has been restructured and organized and ready to be developed on
Currently the biggest issue is interrupts are not “trigger” (or so we think) when the software is being build with CMake but when built with the cube IDE it works fine.
This means that the issue occurs during the construction of the binary through CMake, which will be looked into further this weekend by Chris
There is a specific pattern that should consistent through LOS which has been somewhat defined in Los Link branch, please talk to Chris to get more info or to provide suggestions
Guy Blumenthal LOS Actuators:
Anthony Bertnyk LOS Telem:
Mostafa Hussein LOS Pos:
Hailey Doleweerd LOS Comms:
Christopher Chung LOS_Link :
rssi by ishman. maybe LQ as well. Maybe SBUS as well.
Systems Tooling & Infra
Infra + Devops
Ishman Mann now in charge of docker & ssh setup. Can probably also help us figure out some more integration stuff.
Matlab/simulink chosen?getting familiar with it before tackling simulatorlooking into unit testing & resources pertaining to that.
link up with mostafa and tackle the simulator.
lookup on UAV toolbox
look up simnet also! see #mech for more info.
Comms Emulator
Looking at what to bring over from LOS.
Building new project
wokring on telem data
needs to know what telemetry data we want to send.
1-2 weeks upper bound.
Tracking Antenna (kevin, yuchen)
Software is done
Has been simulated matlab #efs-groundside
Stanley finishing SD Card driver.
✈ Priorities next week:
TUNE Phoenix
🍍 Team Member Updates
AM FSM Defined
Looking into TDD for new ZeroPilot repository.
Added a bunch of Takeoff/Landing at MVP state (without testing)
Working on PM stuff with Neha
Still have some math to update
Defined reference frame and documented it.
Finalizing what I need for comms emulator developmentAssisting Yuchen with attitude managerBeginning work on fixed wing controlsGetting useful code from LOS for software development
Setting up comms between nucleos
Picking up system architecture task soon
Need to talk with Christopher Chung about refactoring the SD card driver to make it more user-friendly and “compatible” with LOS
Need to test the SD card driver on L5 board (next Thu/Fri after midterms 😭 )
Yuchen Lin
need to redo the pwm output for the and will be testing it next weekneed to take a look at the aadi xbee communication library and perform the RFD 900 range test and drop package test next week.
Nuked the LOS repo to get the structure correct
Currently LOS “supports” Nucleo f401re and L5 but only F401re compiles
Need to figure out TM → PM comms (this is a slight roadblock lol)
Finished logic for going from Disarmed → takeoff
Finished PM → AM comms for takeoff/landing
Worked with Mostafa to come up with architecture proposal for simulatorLearning MATLAB/Simulink to get familiar with the program (Simulink is chosen for simulator)
✅ Action Items
- Anthony Luo
- Christopher Chung LOS Interfaces
- Yuchen Lin Tuning done
- Stanley Tang SD Card PR Merged
🔭 Things to look out for!
fw procurement order placed