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In this stage, all sensors, communications, etc, should be powered on, initialized, and if necessary, calibrated. It is OK in this state to ask for user input to calibrate devices? (i.e. magnetometer).

On boot, we should also load the configuration file for ZP & LOS, start background threads like SensorFusion, Telemetry , and verify that communications from to and from devices is good and exists (this can be busy waiting - this can be done after everything else is ready).Once all systems are OK, System Manager can (in slow mode).

System Manager will immediately transition into a disarmed state.


When disarmed, the drone will send smaller telemetry packets at a lower frequency to prevent overheating. It can continue to acquire sensor information and should be prepared to be armed. It also will verify that communications from to and from devices is good and exists.

The drone needs hardware arm (button), controller arm (switch on controller), and software arm (GUI OK Button). It will require the hardware and one other arm button to transition to ground Ops.

AM thread is started here so that it can accept PID tuning changes ONLY in Disarm mode.

Ground Ops

In ground ops mode, the drone is fully armed & ready to transition into flight, but can be busy waiting for the takeoff command.


The flight mode has 3 stages: takeoff, cruise, landing. They must be sequential and they all can lead to operator override or fatal failure modes. In each mode, System Manager will decide how to mix the inputs, and whether to make calls to path manager , which sends to attitude manager, jetson, or ardupilot. Typically, in each flight mode:

  • decode controller inputs (map them to attitude manager struct) & extra bits

  • Decide waypoint_type sent to PM.

  • Read back any responses from AM

  • Pack and send packet to TM


When flight mode is entered the PM thread is started and the TM thread is restarted at higher speed.


When flight mode is exited the PM thread is killed and SM sends a 0 command to the LOS Actuators


Call PM to get takeoff targetsReport AM info to TM, PM sends waypoints one at a time to AM.


If instruction is autopilot, call PM which sends to AM, report to TM


If instruction is override, enter override mode in SM. Report to Tm.

When last waypoint reached, confirm with GS and then go to landingsent a landing command either from controller or CV pass that to PM to manage landing and send to AM.


When cruise done, call Jetsosn for information on what to do nextJetson sends landing instruction. Follow instructions.

When tx2 says we can land, enter landing procedure and then go into ground ops when landed (SM detects landing)

Fatal Failure

There should be no exit from fatal failure mode. turn off all outputs and fall from the sky. Parachute may be deployed. Do not attempt to recover from this state. Save logging data and pray?


When flight mode is exited the AM and PM threads are killed and SM sends a 0 command to the LOS Actuators. Leave Telemetry manager running and try to log everything possible before we hit the ground.



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