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🛸 General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • Meeting times/

    • EFS Meeting: Tuesday 7-8 PM

    • General: Thursdays 8-9 PM

    • EFS Work Sessions: Tuesdays 8-9PM

  • Houston Delivered Feb 4

  • ZP ↔︎ PX Integ testing Feb 11?

  • W23 buy list going through tonight


In Person


Meeting recording

🖥 PR’s and Reviews

Draft PR for PM auto takeoff/landing (Gordon, Stanley, Liang, Aadi(?)):



✈ Priorities & Action Items:

fill out team roster here:
you must complete the training to work onsite. Deadline is Jan 31

  • W23 Buy List Coordination (Taim , Yuchen, Ryan, Simone, Hamza)

  • Deadline for flight critical systems Feb 4 & Feb 11

    • PPM, Comms, TM, etc.

    • Ideally we run an integration test feb11.

🍍 Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

ZeroPilot 3

ZP-Ardupilot Integration (anni, aadi, Alex, Neha, Stanley)

System Manager (Gordon, Stanley)

  • Gordon to come up with payload for mavlink?

Path Manager (neha, Liang)

  • Synced with Liang → will start waypoint following implementation

  • PM Takeoff/landing builds → draft PR up (if i havent added link you have permission to yell at me)

    • I know there were some SM changes → does that affect this

Attitude Manager (Ishman, Armaan)

  • needs tuning

  • Anni had a quick meeting to let them know of what attitude manager is

    • Main task is to get Phoenix tuned

    • Deliverables: document on plan to get tuning done.

Telemetry Manager (aadi)

  • started on driver for CV, plan to get done today.

  • Sync to talk about LOS driver this week

    • Hailey

    • Chris

    • Tony

  • Ardupilot ZP integ discussed

  • air to air can be very similar to air-ground in terms of los driver



  • LOS POS? (Mostafa, Chris)

    • tried to reconfigure

    • Maybe Armaan and Ishman can help out… also pratyush

  • LOS Link

    • Finally merged in!

  • LOS Actuators

    • PWM tested by anni before the start of the term

    • DSHOT still needs to be tested and we need to add DSHOT300 (currently at 150)

  • LOS Telem/comms (aadi, yuchen, hailey, alex)

    • Meeting this week, aadi will send out a lettucemeet

  • Logging?

    • LOS_LOG has not started… driver is still in prototype repo and needs to be ported to L5

Drivers (lets try and get names added soon)

  • VN-300 (Chris)

    • Haven’t started testing yet

    • Stanley was testing by just sending UART commands over using the VN software

      • was not working when sending commands using the stm32

  • Neo M.8 (Ayoung, Hardy)

    • Started with shell code, planning on grinding some this week

    • Through the GUI, GPS is having a hard time connecting to satellite

  • airspeed (Hardy, Ayoung)

    • To be tested via a car and ported to LOS drivers

  • SD Card (Darwin)

    • port to L5

  • Mavlink? ()Tony/Alex

    • discussed in meeting

  • RFD900? (Los Telem/Comms team)

    • Aadi is currently testing using python script

  • Jetson? (Los Telem/Comms team)

    • same driver, discussed in meeting

  • Current/Voltage Sense (Aryan)

    • currently setting up ADC driver that can be converted to current and voltage sensor

Systems Tooling & Infra

Infra + Devops

  • team don’t exist, aadi doing some when he needs it

  • let us know if you are interested in working in this

Simulator (SIL) (Mostafa, Alex, Taim, ???)

  • Scope document: Guiding Questions

  •  review as a team during meeting? no update unforunately

  • need to draft email to aiden’s prof

HIL (Hardware In the Loop) Controller (Yuchen, Mahir)

Tracking Antenna

  • no one working on it rn, maybe kevin still?

One thread Wonder for comp???????


List of Open Tasks

  • optical flow sensor

  • Bidir DShot

  • SD Card Logging driver

  • USB Logging

  • Tracking Antenna?

  • LOS Link with CRSF SBUS

    • Add IOC configuration on Main ZP