Do not store any WARG information on personal accounts.
Of course some files can only be editted locally in which case we ask that such files be saved to a warg platform within 24hrs of modification!
If you would like to use a new platform that WARG does not support yet for any reason please contact your leads! If youre a lead pleasr coordinate accordingly but if we choose to go forward ensure all passwords end up in the warg password storage system in accordance with this policy.
This policy is required for reasons found in https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2321383428/Individual+Reliance
If possible do not delete general outdated information
Archiving is always preferable to deleting
It’s always good to reference in the future! Please note that because of Leadership Term Guidelines and the (by design) relatively short term of all students on the team we need to keep stuff for reference for future generations!
Feel free to delete information that poses privacy concerns, this rule is specific to general information
Most modern platforms, including Confluence, offer a simple archiving feature, this is optimal and should be used in most cases
If the storage of the data is expensive and not worth it than of course it may make sense to delete though be careful
We can look into cold storage for these type of situations, please ask for discussion
If you have concerns with these or any edge cases please ping directors!
We are aware some platforms require unique handling. In such cases we would like to discuss and document handling procedures to ensure the spirit of these policies is maintained to the best of our abilities.
High Level Introduction to Subpages