This resistor is also helpful to reduce the ringing effect on the SW node by slowing the rise time. It is the most efficient method as the gate resistor and snubber circuit dissipate energy when the HS FET is turning off while Rbst does not do that!!
Order some 2.2 ohm resistor for tuning when we order components!!!~
Diode selection:
This diode needs to recover fast to block charges on the SW node when HS FET is conducting. And also need to have low Vf to charge Cboot.
3.3V LDO backup: TLV76033DBZR
Input Pulldown/Pullup Resistors
I couldn’t find Pixhawk PWM rail leakage current. Assuming 100uA leakage current from Pixhawk and open drain configuration, 4.7k pulldown will create a 0.47V input, which is below the 0.8V logic low threshold. 4.7k pullup will create a 0.47V drop, which would still above the 0.7 * Vcc threshold at 3.3V Vcc.
Selected 4.7k as pulldown/pullup resistor value.
PCB Layout Notes
Alternative is to use two 6-position-3-row sockets together if the above remains out of stock
BOM notes
Add 2.2 ohm resistor for bootstrap tuning
Order 4.7k resistor for buffer input pullup/pulldown