I2C conn (J7, J12, J16). Replace with BM04B-GHS-TBT 4-pin connector.
On the Pixhawk, there are BM08B-GHS-TBT 8-pin connectors which share GPIOs and ADC inputs
The following is their pinout (pin 1 VCC, pin 8 GND, pins 2-5 GPIOs, pin 6-7 ADC inputs)
There are 10 GPIOs + 3 ADC inputs on our flight board, we can use 2 8-pin connectors containing all GPIOs and 1 8-pin connector containing all ADC inputs. Another option would be to:
GPIO conn (J31, 32). Replace with 2 8-pin (or either 0.1” pitch through hole solder pads
for option of using pin headers or direct soldering).
ADC conn (J28). 0.1” Pin sockets/headers.
TIM conn (J3, 4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 8, 13, 17, 24, 25, 29). Blue Robotics’s products use Going to use a 3-row 16-pin per row 0.1” 3right-pin headers for TIM/PWM interfaces. Although they make marine robots, their connector standard is originally based on the Pixhawk standard, and it seems like it is a good choice.
angle pin header. This is shown to be done by Pixhawk here.
ICM-42670-P seems like a widely available low-power option (and apparently low noise) . Need to find out the desired orientation and placement of the IMU on the board (Since it’s recommended for it to be in the center of the drone and to align expectedly with the yaw/pitch/roll axis)